Channel Seven tells Australian Test cricket stars they WON’T have to talk to Justin Langer on air


Channel Seven tells Test cricket stars NOT to talk to Justin Langer on-air after ex-coach Pat Cummins and the ‘cowards’ who sacked him in stunning spray

  • It has been revealed that Aussie Test players are not required to talk to their ex-coach on-air
  • It comes after Justin Langer’s stunning spray where he called them “cowards.”
  • Channel 7 confirmed that players would not be required to interact with him during the broadcast
  • The side will face the West Indies in a test series in Perth from November 30

Test cricket stars have been told not to talk to Justin Langer on air during this summer’s series as the bitter feud between players and the former Australian coach flares up.

Longer had been free broadcaster Channel 7’s top prize for the Summer Tests against the West Indies and South Africa, setting the stage for some awkward encounters with players he believes were behind him being unceremoniously dumped as a coach.

And that was before his stunning outburst against the current players, whom he called ‘cowards’ for their role in his ousting from the side.

Fortunately for those players, it has been revealed that the broadcaster will not force them to interact with their former coach on-air, according to News Corp.

Aussie players like Pat Cummins (right) are not required to interact with ex-coach Justin Langer (right) during Channel 7’s broadcast of the Test series following Langer’s outrageous rant on a podcast where he called the players “cowards” for their roles upon his death as coach

Justin Langer resigned as Australia coach in February this year after Cricket Australia only offered him a short-term extension; with most players saying his coaching style was too intense

With the Test series kicking off next Wednesday in Langer’s hometown of Perth, the former Baggy Green legend turned coach will get behind the microphone to add his expert analysis of the game.

Seven’s move may be related to the fear that Langer will use the platform to keep sharpening his ax and clashing with the “cowards” he alluded to.

“Everyone was nice to my face, but I read about this stuff,” Langer said in the blast Back chat podcast episode on Wednesday.

‘Many journalists use the word ‘source’. I’d say change that word to “coward.” Because what do you mean by a source says?

“They either have an ax to grind with someone and they won’t come and say it to your face, or they’re just leaking stuff for their own agenda,” was the astonishing Langer escalation of tensions, which eventually began to simmer.

Langer also claimed that none of Cricket Australia’s players or staff had given him feedback on his intense style of coaching.

Aussie skipper Pat Cummins, who is preparing to lead the side against the West Indies in a test series next week, was called out by Langer

“I spoke to Pat Cummins. He said to me about five times, “This might be brutally honest,” he said.

“I said, ‘Pat, there’s nothing brutal about your feedback. What’s brutal is that I’m hearing it behind my back through the media or through sources. Nobody’s telling me. Tell me.'”

The claim was vigorously refuted by Cricket Australia CEO Nick Hockley, who spoke bluntly of his ‘disappointment’ at Langer’s comments.

“We have not commented so far except to correct inaccuracies, several of which are in Justin’s comments,” said Hockley.

Cricket Australia CEO Nick Hockley strongly refutes Langer’s version of events, saying there are a ‘number of inaccuracies’

During his tenure, formal and informal opportunities to give and receive feedback took place on a regular basis, which is consistent with a performance-driven environment.

After an extensive process, Justin was offered a short contract extension, which he declined.

“I am disappointed by Justin’s comments unfairly criticizing some of our players. The playgroup knows they have my full support,” Hockley said.

Skipper Pat Cummins – the player most in the spotlight after Langer’s ugly departure – is said to be “not happy” with Langer’s comments, according to the paper. The Sydney Morning Herald.

Probably because the players are eager to focus on the upcoming Test series against an always unpredictable West Indies side.

Despite a whitewash of the ODI series against England, the Aussie men’s side has been in the headlines lately for a host of negative reasons; whether it was Cummins demanding that a $40 million energy sponsor be dropped, or insisting the squad was too ‘tired to care’ about their home T20 World Cup failure.

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