Channel partners are becoming more important than ever for SMEs

New research has found that channel partners are evolving from a one-time, buy-and-install approach to strategic advisors to SMBs, which could be beneficial for both parties.

According to a report from Sage, small and medium-sized businesses can expect greater digital agility as a result of the transition, which could benefit their competitive position, while technology resellers are promised the prospect of substantial growth opportunities.

The figures now show that more than half (55%) of technology vendors are focusing on offering strategic advice and services rather than just delivering technology solutions.

SMEs get even more out of their channel partners

Three quarters (73%) of technology resellers say SMEs view investment in digital agility as a high priority, with one in three (29%) seeing it as a way to drive business growth and a quarter each as a way to increase competitiveness (24%) and increase efficiency (23%).

Furthermore, only half (54%) of SMBs are seen by channel leaders as ‘fairly digitally agile’, underscoring the room for growth.

Sage VP Global Partner Marketing, Sippora Veen, commented: “With the adoption of advanced technologies like AI and our commitment to skills building, we are better positioned to help SMEs overcome the challenges and thrive in the digital age. This partnership is essential to fostering innovation and mutual growth.”

In terms of areas of focus, three in five (58%) channel leaders view AI and automation as critical to driving digital agility, with 57% emphasizing the importance of cybersecurity solutions and 47% emphasizing cloud/SaaS applications.

Despite the clear benefits of offering consulting services, channel companies still face challenges ranging from finding the right employees with the desired skills (35%) to limited knowledge of AI technology (44%).

Overall, both SMBs and technology resellers are seeing opportunities for business growth as channel companies begin to offer more services, but without the right resources, others risk being left behind.

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