Chalked message reserving Brisbane public park tables send social media users into a frenzy


Fury for a handwritten chalk message on a footpath next to a gazebo in a public park

  • A message written by hand in chalk has caused a frenzy on the networks
  • The message was to reserve park gazebos in Brisbane
  • He is not sure if they had actually booked with the council.
  • Reddit users criticized the person who wrote the message.

A handwritten chalk message reserving tables in a public park has caused a furore among social media users.

The message was written just outside a gazebo in a Brisbane park, trying to book it from 5pm to 9pm on January 17.

It is unclear if those behind the message had booked the space with Brisbane City Council.

A handwritten chalk message reserving a gazebo (pictured) in a public park in Brisbane has caused quite a stir among social media users.

Brisbane City Council states that only certain areas within the parks can be reserved for non-commercial or community events.

‘[They can’t reserve] unless it’s on a site of one of the limited places you can actually reserve and pay for. But I doubt it,” wrote one social media user.

However, many of those who had previously reserved parts of public parks for events such as weddings noted that the Council shrugged when asked to remove people from reserved areas.

‘That [reserving] it costs money and they can’t guarantee space either; people can still use it because it’s public,” another social media user wrote.

An image of the message was posted on Reddit with the caption “Thoughts on reserving at public parks?”

The post elicited pithy responses from users.

“Do it the way it’s meant to be done: get there two hours before you need to and place your stuff on top of what you need and stay there until your group shows up,” wrote one Reddit user.

Reddit users mostly ridiculed the attempt to reserve the gazebo with a chalk reservation (pictured)

Reddit users mostly ridiculed the attempt to reserve the gazebo with a chalk reservation (pictured)

Another responded by saying, “They haven’t met my friends, water and chalk eraser.”

Do the muppets a favor and wash off the chalk. Just like her dreams of being there starting at 5 pm’, one user agreed.

‘Not. Same as gym equipment. Either you are there using it or someone else will,” another user commented.

One user who agreed with the sign said that “certain parks have areas that can be reserved.”

‘imo [In My Opinion] if it can be reserved… it makes sense to give a warning so people don’t have to pack up once they’re settled in.’