Chain of LA rehab clinics is run by Nazis – including one with swastikas tattooed to his face, lawsuit claims

A chain of drug rehabilitation clinics in Los Angeles is accused of employing Nazi sympathizers who displayed racist behavior toward their staff and openly displayed “white power” signs.

Seven former and current employees of Executive Recovery Group Inc (ERG) have accused the facility’s staff of racial abuse and harassment in a lawsuit.

The ERG owns several facilities in the state. Among the complainants are nurses, aides and technicians who say they have been subjected to months of discrimination.

The complaint, filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court, alleges that a Hispanic staffer was replaced by a known associate of a white nationalist gang.

The company reportedly hired Erin Thorley as the branch’s executive director, who “almost immediately” fired two Spanish-speaking managers at the branch.

Seven former and current employees of Executive Recovery Group Inc, pictured here, have accused the facility’s staff of racial abuse and harassment in a lawsuit

Thorley then hired Penny Beal and Corey Hurst to fill their positions. The lawsuit alleged that Thorley was friends with both of them.

It is alleged that Thorley knew that Hurst was involved with a white nationalist group known as ‘Public Enemy Number One’.

The indictment alleges that the group was referred to by several other names, including “P9,” “Nazi Low Riders” and “Skinheads.”

According to the Anti-Defamation League, Public Enemy Number 1 is the big white supremacist gang in California.

According to the indictment, Hurst was heavily tattooed with swastikas and other symbols of white supremacy, including a swastika on his face.

The plaintiffs allege that the ERG subsequently hired other members affiliated with the group and that these employees were promoted more quickly than other non-white employees.

Plaintiff Michael Zamarron, a gay man, also alleges in the lawsuit that program director Jay Lepito singled him out because of his sexuality.

Zamarron claims that Lepito “wanted to make it clear that he thought Zamarron’s homosexuality would create uncomfortable situations for the residents.”

Lepito is said to have told Zamarron that it was not appropriate for him to work with residents because he is homosexual.

Employee David Karon, who is Jewish, claims he also heard employees say the company’s owners were “stingy and greedy” because “they’re Jewish.”

The indictment further alleges that Karon was told by a client that he knew Lepito outside the ERG and that he was involved in drug trafficking and credit card fraud. He was also said to have been a member of a white nationalist group.

According to Karon, there were also racist drawings and other visual expressions present in the facility, including the Gadson flag and a drawing of the “OK” hand gesture.

The hand gesture was adopted by white supremacists after 4chan users promoted it as a representation of the letters “wp,” or white power. It has since been designated a symbol of hate by the Anti-Defamation League.

Karon resigned from the company after being denied promotions, hearing racist comments and filing several complaints with human resources, the lawsuit states.

After Karon complained about the racist drawings left on a notice board, he was told that his complaints would be investigated.

According to the complaint, a week after he informed HR, he noticed the drawings had not been removed and resigned.

The prosecutor is seeking damages, but the exact amount has not been specified.

Attorney Cameron Dowlatshahi said: ‘IIt’s hard to believe that a workplace in 2024 is full of Nazi sympathizers.

‘Yet this is exactly the workplace my clients had to deal with day in and day out. My clients are good people who just wanted to do their job and help people in need.

‘Instead, their employer ignored their well-being and exposed them to an incredibly toxic environment.

“We will do everything we can to hold this company, its subsidiaries and its owners accountable.” has attempted to contact ERG for comment on the lawsuit.