Centrelink: dole payments shake-up means some JobSeeker recipients will be paid MORE than others

Radical shake-up of Centrelink benefits means some Job Seeker recipients will get paid MORE than others

  • Those 50+ will see a boost in next week’s budget

A major change to Centrelink’s benefits in next week’s budget will result in some JobSeeker recipients being paid more than others.

More than 200,000 JobSeeker recipients ages 55 and older will see an increase in the base rate of their benefits, according to 7NEWS.

It is reportedly the only group to see a budget increase for next week, despite calls for an increase across the board.

More than 200,000 JobSeeker recipients aged 55 and older will see an increase in the base rate of their benefits

Finance Minister Katy Gallagher (pictured) said: ‘There will be a very significant cost of living package in this budget and it will target the most vulnerable Australians’

JobSeeker now costs $693.10 per fortnight for a single person with no children, which equates to $49.50 per day.

There are 227,000 Job Seeker recipients aged 55 and over – the highest number of any age group – and most of this group are women.

They are most likely to be long-term unemployed, having not found a job in more than five years.

It is believed that the increase for that age group will be modest and not the $100 extra per week that some, including a top economist, have been calling for.

Peter Martin, a visiting fellow at the Crawford School of Public Policy at Australian National University, called for a $100 raise because JobSeeker’sshockingly low compared to the standard of living’.

“It’s now only two-thirds of the pension, only 40% of the full-time minimum wage and halfway to the poverty line,” he said. wrote.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Katy Gallagher hinted at the rise in job seekers for older Australians.

“There will be a very significant cost package in this budget and it will target the most vulnerable Australians,” she said on Sunday.

National Seniors’ Ian Henschke, who advocates for the over 50s, welcomed the news:

“We know that JobSeekers is not enough to live on and I think it should be increased,” he told 7NEWS.

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