Celebrity Trainer Reveals The Dos And Don’ts Of Workout Etiquette


A fitness trainer known for getting celebrities in shape has revealed the do’s and don’ts to help prevent you from committing gym sins.

becdonlanfounder of Sweat with Bec, from Los Angeles, California, has shared the many rules to incorporate while sweating.

The fitness expert has also detailed the practices that you should avoid at all costs so as not to disturb anyone in the gym with you.

Speaking to DailyMail.com, Bec laid out the 18 do’s and don’ts of getting fit.

Bec Donlan, from Los Angeles, California, is a fitness trainer known for getting celebrities in shape and has shared the dos and don’ts of working out.

Speaking to DailyMail.com, Bec laid out the 18 do’s and don’ts of getting fit.

Get up a sweat! The things you SHOULD be doing in the gym

First off, the celebrity trainer revealed that you should always clean your machine and put away any equipment you used.

“Nothing is more irritating to both staff and other gym-goers than arriving at a machine drenched in sweat or not being able to find the necessary equipment because it wasn’t put away properly,” he said.

Get up a sweat! What you SHOULD be doing when you exercise

  • Clean your machine and put away equipment
  • Use your phone all you want
  • Be kind to staff and those around you
  • Say ‘hello’ to your gym crush
  • Ask permission before filming
  • Keep the gym chat short
  • Let your instructor know if you will be running late or need to leave early
  • wear deodorant
  • Kindly ask to use something if someone else is using it
  • Be spatially aware

By cleaning up anything you’ve used and putting it back, you allow others to break a sweat as well.

He added that if someone is using something you want, you should simply “ask nicely.”

“If someone is wearing something you want, ask nicely how long they have left, let them finish their set in peace instead of just standing there watching them finish,” he explained.

Next, he came to the rescue of everyone who loves to keep their eyes glued to their screens while getting fit.

“Use your phone however you want, as a trainer I don’t care if you use your phone and sacrifice your own training,” she explained.

However, he added that you shouldn’t let your phone ruin someone else’s workout.

On the subject of phones, the trainer revealed that you should always make sure no one else is in a video or image unless you have been given permission.

“If you’re filming your training, make sure no one else is on the video unless you have permission and if you’re taking a class, first ask the instructor to clear the air,” he told DailyMail.com.

Similarly, Bec said you should always be nice to the staff, explaining that “kindness goes a long way.”

And the trainer pointed out that it’s not just about being nice to the staff.

Bec said, ‘Smile, be nice to people, tell someone they’re doing great.’

He explained that while it may seem like those who are working out know what they’re doing, gyms can be ‘intimidating’ so you should do everything you can to make those around you feel welcome.

And while you’re nice to those fitness people around you, too, she revealed that you shouldn’t be shy when it comes to talking to your crush at the gym.

The celebrity trainer gave everyone a thumbs up, saying, “You’ll always regret not saying hello to the cute guy or girl aka your gym crush.”

He added that saying “hello is not being creepy.”

And while you should take the opportunity to say “hello,” Bec pointed out that you should keep your talking to a minimum.

First off, the celebrity trainer revealed that you should always clean your machine and put away any equipment you used.

He explained that while it may seem like those at the gym know what they’re doing, gyms can be “intimidating” so you should do your best to make those around you feel welcome.

She told DailyMail.com: “Understand the social cues, keep the gym conversation short unless encouraged by the other person.”

She also said that you should always wear deodorant and be aware of space.

‘Be spatially aware. If the gym is empty, by all means be as obnoxious as you want and take up all the space, but if there are other people around the general rule of thumb is to take up as much space as a yoga mat or two and never get up on another. people’s personal space,’ he explained.

Lastly, the celebrity trainer pointed out that you should always communicate with your instructor.

She told DailyMail.com: “If you need to leave a class early, try to let the instructor know before the class starts, make sure you have a spot in the back and leave discreetly.”

Arrest! DO NOT commit these training sins

Bec then revealed the gym sins she sees all too often.

The first thing you should never do is spend too much taking a ‘selfie’.

She said: “If you take a selfie, don’t spend more than a few minutes doing it, this shouldn’t be as strenuous as the workout itself.”

And while you shouldn’t use the gym as your own personal photo booth, the trainer also revealed that you should never judge or ‘roll your eyes’ at those who take progress photos.

“Don’t roll your eyes when someone takes a selfie unless they don’t adhere to the above and instead spend 15 minutes in a thirst-trap black hole,” he explained.

And keeping on the topic of thirst traps, Bec said you should always be aware of the noises you’re making.

Lastly, the celebrity trainer said that you should always take responsibility for yourself.

Time to exercise! What you should NEVER do in the gym according to a famous trainer

  • Answer a phone call on the speakerphone
  • Play your music too loud or too loud
  • Expect the instructor to take care of you if you are late
  • Spend too much time taking a selfie
  • Roll your eyes at people taking pictures
  • Bring large metal water bottles to class.
  • Make noises that sound like you’re having sex.

He explained that “noises you make while exercising” should never “sound like you’re having sex.”

And you don’t just have to worry about the noises you make, you also have to be careful about the noises your personal items make.

For example, Bec said that you should never bring your big metal water bottle to gym class.

“Keep the bloated bottle out of all group gym classes, the sound of them falling over in class sends everyone into the background and is the last thing anyone wants to hear,” she said.

And the same goes for your phone, Bec said you should never play your music too loud or take a call on speakerphone because you’ll interrupt others at the gym.

“Don’t play your music loud, always wear headphones, especially when using a peloton or streaming a workout,” he explained.

Bec added, “No calls or facetimes on speakerphone, we literally don’t care what crazy thing happened last night or what Janice did in the office today.”

Lastly, the celebrity trainer said that you should always take responsibility for yourself.

She advised fitness lovers to take the initiative to find out what will happen in class if they are late.

“Don’t make the instructor coddle you, give you a special explanation, and disrupt the class,” he said.

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