Celebrity Family Feud: Megan Thee Stallion names herself as ‘something that might be curvy’

Megan Thee Stallion said “I” when Steve Harvey asked her to name something that could be round during the season premiere of Celebrity Family Feud on Tuesday on ABC.

The 29-year-old Grammy-winning rapper insisted she get on the board and proudly twirled around while showing off her curves in a strapless red leather bustier and leather pants.

“It’s true!” said Megan.

“Megan Thee Stallion has to be the answer!” Megan said.

Megan got excited when asked if she could name something that was round and answered “I”. She got 48 points for it.

Megan Thee Stallion said “I” when Steve Harvey asked her to name something that could be round during the season premiere of Celebrity Family Feud on Tuesday on ABC

The three-time Grammy-winning rap superstar, who was performing for the non-profit AVDA, a charity that helps victims of domestic violence, went up against fellow Grammy-winning Ne-Yo and his family.

Steve started the show by telling Megan that his wife and daughters love her.

“Oh my god, we’re on Family Feud!” Megan screamed in excitement.

Megan brought along her manager Travis Farris and her best friends Jaela Mitchell, Kellon Williams and Bryon Javar to compete on behalf of her team.

Ne-Yo, also a three-time Grammy-winning artist, brought his mother Lorraine Smith, sister Nicole Smith, brother Jayvon Smith and Jayvon’s wife Antonia Soobyia to join his team. He said he was playing for the charity Friendship Place, which supports the homeless.

Megan and Ne-Yo were the first to compete against each other. Steve said they asked 100 married people to name something they had done to their partner’s feet and asked them to guess what the most popular answer was.

“Massage,” Megan said.

Her answer turned out to be the top answer on the board.

The 29-year-old Grammy-winning ‘Savage’ rapper insisted she get on the board and proudly twirled around while showing off her curves in a strapless red leather bustier and leather pants

Steve started the show by telling Megan that his wife and daughters love her

Ne-Yo, also a three-time Grammy-winning artist, brought along his mother Lorraine Smith, his sister Nicole Smith, his brother Jayvon Smith and Jayvon’s wife Antonia Soobyia for his team

Megan and Ne-Yo were the first to compete against each other

“Pass or play,” Steve asked.

Megan said they were going to play.

“Let’s play!” said Megan.

Travis went next and guessed “clipping their toenails” and Megan was shocked.

Pedicure was actually on the board. Jaela went next.

“Suck them, Steve,” Jaela said.

It wasn’t on the board, so Kellon guessed “snould them” and he was right. Bryon went last and said “moved them” but that wasn’t on the board either.

Megan brought her manager Travis Farris and her best friends Jaela Mitchell, Kellon Williams and Bryon Javar to compete for her team

“Play feet,” Megan guessed, but it wasn’t on the board. Ne-Yo’s team then had a chance to steal.

“How about we kiss them,” Ne-Yo said.

His answer wasn’t on the board, so Megan’s team won the round.

For the second question, Travis went up against Ne-Yo’s mother Lorraine. Steve asked them to name something in the fridge that a cheap guy might use in his hair instead of styling gel.

Lorraine suggested butter, but Travis won with mayonnaise. Jaela suggested a guy put relish in his hair, but it wasn’t on the board. Kellon said aloe vera and Bryon said sour cream, but neither guessed it.

Ne-Yo’s team guessed eggs and won the round.

Jaela then went head to head with Nicole to name an alcoholic drink that would be consumed poolside. Jaela guessed Long Island iced tea, but Nicole guessed margarita. Jayvon guessed pina colada and his wife guessed beer and both answers were there. Jayvon guessed Hennessy as his second guess.

Jaela suggested that a man could put relish in his hair, but that wasn’t on the board

“You can’t hide the hood,” Steve said. “You acted like you weren’t in the hood, but everybody in the hood said ‘that’s right.'”

Unfortunately his answer wasn’t there and Megan was given the chance to guess the gender on the beach, but it wasn’t on the board either.

Megan’s team got to play the next round by guessing which fruit starts with the letter C and they won the whole round by guessing correctly every time. Megan jumped around and was so excited that they made it to the finals.

Megan was playing Fast Money with Steve at the time. He asked her what a flight attendant would hate to do, to come into the cockpit and find the pilot and co-pilot dead, and she said, “Dead.”

Megan then played Fast Money with Steve

“If you say you’re going to take a quick shower, how many minutes does that take?” Steve asked.

“An hour,” Megan said.

“Name something a dog sees that makes him growl,” Steve said.

“Another dog,” Megan said.

“Fill in the blank, blank and eggs,” Steve said.

“Bacon and eggs,” Megan said.

“Name something that could be round,” Steve said.

“Me,” Megan said.

Steve loved the answer and immediately started clapping.

Megan turned around and posed for the audience.

Surprisingly, her answer earned her 48 points.

Megan ended up scoring a respectable 125 points for her team.

Her boyfriend Bryon was next and when the question about curves came up, he also replied, “Megan.”

Megan then turned around and posed for the audience while showing off her curves

Megan ended up scoring a respectable 125 points for her team

Her boyfriend Bryon was next and when the question about curves came up he also replied ‘Megan’

Megan celebrated winning $25,000 for charity with her team

Since the answer had already been given, he suggested answering ‘away’.

Bryon ultimately scored enough points for Megan and her team to win the $25,000 for her charity.

Megan danced around to celebrate the win and then mingled with her friends and Ne-Yo and his family.

Celebrity Family Feud returns to ABC next week.

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