Adorable reaction of cat that grew up with dogs on seeing new kitten for first time

A cat barked cutely at a new kitten in the family, after learning the trick from growing up with dogs.

A gray and white cat named Asher had just gone to the toilet when he was introduced to his new mini-me, Waffles, on June TikTok video showed.

After the little cat had stared nervously down for several seconds and had retreated into a corner in fear, the two-year-old cat jumped up slightly and barked at the newcomer.

The little cat didn’t flinch and continued to look around the corner for his new sibling, but the older cat began barking at him again before settling into his litter box.

Asher grew up with a Chihuahua named Emma and a Husky-Basenji mix Ada Belle, both 14, their owner, Katie, said. Newsweek.

A gray and white cat named Asher had just gone to the toilet when he was introduced to his new mini-me, Waffles

After a nervous look that lasted for several seconds and forced the little one to retreat into the corner in fear, the two-year-old cat jumped up slightly and barked at the newcomer

The Alabama family decided that Waffles would give Asher a younger pet to play with so that their 16-year-old cat, Whitaker, would have a chance to relax.

“The video I posted shows one of the first times Asher and Waffles were able to get close to each other without one of us sitting on the floor supervising,” Katie told Newsweek.

‘Apparently Asher had been paying close attention to how the Chihuahua, Emma, ​​greeted other animals, because he suddenly let out a few barks.’

Katie said she had never heard Asher bark before, but it “made us laugh.”

“We thought it was too cute and funny not to share,” she told the outlet.

Rest assured, Asher was completely taken with Waffles and a few days later, the pair were spotted “playing, cuddling and grooming each other,” she added to the outlet.

Rest assured, Asher was certainly excited about Waffles, and a few days later the two were spotted “playing, cuddling and grooming each other,” said owner Katie

In an update, Katie shared a video showing Asher and Waffles getting along “100 percent.” The video shows the two cats snuggling up to each other and playing together.

Several TikTok users immediately responded to the comments, saying they had heard a cat bark and found it too funny to watch.

“Why is the whole body barking?” one user wondered.

“Okay?! I think he was practicing his horse jump too,” the cat’s owner, Katie, replied.

“The kitten is saying something like, “I know I’m new to this, but I’m not sure if that’s right…”,” another user wrote.

Another joked that the cat was just training the new man, saying, “Cat, this is how we welcome newcomers.”

One user, the two-year-old cat, was simply ‘bilingual’ after learning the language of his other siblings.

In an update, Katie shared a video showing Asher and Waffles getting along “100 percent,” with the two cats seen snuggling up and playing together.

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