Casualty is set to air it’s first ever improvised episode

Casualty is set to air its first impromptu episode reflecting on the harsh realities frontline workers face during the high-pressure winter months.

Casualty, the world’s longest running primetime medical drama, will air its first impromptu episode this weekend on BBC1.

A break from Casualty’s traditional script format, the special episode centers on paramedics Jan, Iain, Sah and Teddy, who are pushed to their limits while working under pressure.

It has been a proud Casualty tradition throughout its 36-year history to reflect on the difficult realities facing frontline healthcare workers.

Upcoming: Casualty, the world's longest running primetime medical drama, will air its first impromptu episode this weekend on BBC1.

Upcoming: Casualty, the world’s longest running primetime medical drama, will air its first impromptu episode this weekend on BBC1.

And this episode continues that tradition, as it shines a light on the effect ambulance queues have on the hospital, its patients, and the frontline medical staff themselves.

The episode follows the paramedics over four days, showing the pressure and obstacles they face on busy shifts.

Jan (Di Botcher) returns from vacation at a brisk pace, but weakens during the course of her shift and makes a terrible mistake that results in an accident.

Breaking from Casualty's traditional script format, Tough: The special episode centers on paramedics Jan, Iain, Sah and Teddy, who are pushed to their limits while working under pressure.

Breaking from Casualty’s traditional script format, Tough: The special episode centers on paramedics Jan, Iain, Sah and Teddy, who are pushed to their limits while working under pressure.

Teddy’s (Milo Clarke) confidence is shaken by a difficult call, and Iain (Michael Stevenson) and Sah (Arin Smethurst) struggle with intensely stressful situations.

The trailer showed two ambulance workers lining up in a hospital parking lot waiting to enter A&E while their patient remains in the vehicle waiting to be seen.

They then see a more serious ‘queue jumping’ case when an unconscious man in an oxygen mask is brought inside.

Important: It has been a proud Casualty tradition during its 36-year history to reflect the difficult realities facing frontline healthcare workers.

Important: It has been a proud Casualty tradition during its 36-year history to reflect the difficult realities facing frontline healthcare workers.

Vital Work: And this episode continues that tradition, as it sheds light on the effect ambulance queues have on the hospital, its patients, and the frontline medical staff themselves.

Vital Work: And this episode continues that tradition, as it sheds light on the effect ambulance queues have on the hospital, its patients, and the frontline medical staff themselves.

Jon Sen, executive producer of Casualty for BBC Studios, said: “Casualty is at its best when it tells stories that really match the real experience of doctors working in the NHS.”

β€œThe ambition behind the ep was to tell a story that was as close as possible to stepping into the shoes of paramedics across the country. After our extensive research, using improvisational techniques to capture the truth of the world seemed natural.

“We want people to come away with a greater respect for the work paramedics do and a true appreciation of the challenges they face.”

Busy – The episode follows the paramedics through four days, showing the pressure and obstacles they face on busy shifts.

Busy – The episode follows the paramedics through four days, showing the pressure and obstacles they face on busy shifts.

Steve Hughes, the episode’s director, said: “The actors improvised all of their dialogue and we shot everything as a documentary to give it a grounded, naturalistic feel.

β€œIt was vital to make this episode feel as authentic as possible to highlight the challenges that paramedics and the NHS as a whole face on a daily basis.

“It was terrifying for the actors at first, like they were walking a tightrope without a net, but it was also liberating and exciting to be able to use their own voices and even though most of them hadn’t done anything like this before, they all embraced the challenge and I am very proud of what we achieved.’

The impromptu episode will air this Saturday, December 10 at 8:10 p.m. on BBC One and BBC iPlayer.

Plot: Jan (Di Botcher) - pictured - returns from vacation with a spring in her step, but weakens over the course of her shift and makes a terrible mistake, resulting in an accident

Plot: Jan (Di Botcher) – pictured – returns from vacation with a spring in her step, but weakens over the course of her shift and makes a terrible mistake, resulting in an accident