Cannabis helps women have MULTIPLE orgasms per sexual encounter – including masturbation


Is cannabis the secret to ORGASMS for women? Women who smoke before sex are more likely to climax multiple times, study suggests

Cannabis use could be the key to multiple orgasms among women, with less than 50 percent reporting climaxing during a sexual encounter.

A new survey of hundreds of people showed that women who smoke before sex or masturbate have a higher capacity for orgasm per encounter.

The study, conducted by North Carolina researchers, suggested this is likely because the drug relaxes women and increases their desire, meaning the recreational drug could treat sexual dysfunction.

More than 70 percent of the study participants, both men and women, reported increased sexual satisfaction after cannabis use.

A new study finds that cannabis use among women can help them have multiple orgasms per sexual encounter. Findings suggest drug could treat sexual dysfunctions

It is believed that the relaxation is due to THC, the most well-known cannabinoids or active components of the cannabis plant.

THC’s chemical structure is similar to anandamide, a brain chemical that acts as a neurotransmitter, sending chemical messages between nerve cells throughout the nervous system.

These neurotransmitters affect areas of the brain that influence pleasure, memory, concentration, movement, and sensory and time perception.

Due to the similarity in structure, THC is recognized by the body and can therefore disrupt normal brain communication.

“Overall, cannabis use tends to have a positive influence on people’s perceived sexual functioning and satisfaction, regardless of gender or age, and cannabis could help decrease gender disparities in sexual pleasure.” the researchers wrote in the study published in the journal. Cannabis Research Magazine.

The research was conducted by scientists from East Carolina University and North Carolina State University, who set out to understand the influence cannabis has on sexual functioning and satisfaction.

While the study focused on men and women, the researchers looked at how the latter tended to have less consistent orgasms.

“While more than 90 percent of men report experiencing an orgasm during intercourse, less than 50 percent of women regularly experience an orgasm during intercourse, and only six percent report always experiencing an orgasm during intercourse. intercourse,” the study read.

The study also looked at whether cannabis increases touch, taste and smell, senses that can make or break sexual encounters.

More than 70 percent of the participants reported increased touch and taste after cannabis use, which could increase overall sexual functioning and satisfaction because both are important parts during intercourse, and even more so for women.

Participants were also asked about their masturbation behavior.

Three questions were asked: whether or not participants masturbate, whether participants use cannabis before masturbating, and if so, how does cannabis affect their pleasure while masturbating.

The study notes that this is probably because the drug relaxes women and increases their desire, allowing them to have a better ability to orgasm.

Approximately 88 percent reported that they had masturbated and 76 percent stated that they used cannabis before the act, leading to the final response of 62 percent with intense climax.

Another finding was that intense organisms, when under the influence, only occurred when cannabis was used intentionally before sex.

“These results may be due to the mindset that using cannabis will increase pleasure due to aphrodisiac notions of cannabis rather than a true physiological effect,” the researchers wrote in the study.

“However, the relaxation effects of cannabis may contribute to increased desire or reduce inhibitions that could contribute to increased sexual performance and satisfaction.”

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