Can you wash pesticides off your food? A guide to eating fewer toxic chemicals

To avoid pesticides, consider buying the fruits and vegetables that pose the least risk, a new analysis from Consumer Reports shows, and buying organic fruits and vegetables for the fruits and vegetables that pose the most risk deliver. Below you will find answers to frequently asked questions about what other steps you can take.

Does washing remove pesticide residues?

Yes, some – but not all. Note that when the U.S. Department of Agriculture tests a food for pesticides, it first washes and, in some cases, peels the food as a consumer would. So wash products well before eating or cooking them raw. (Cooking can eliminate some pesticides, but washing the produce is still critical.) That means running the produce under cold water for 15 to 20 seconds. For heads of lettuce or other greens, turn them upside down after washing to drain. Use a soft brush to scrub the outer skin of items such as apples, carrots and potatoes.

What about special washes or rinses?

Nothing else is needed but water. There is little evidence that soaps or special rinses wash away pesticide residues. And the USDA does not use detergents or bleaches on the foods it tests.

Does peeling or not eating skins help?

For items that are not always peeled but may be (such as apples, potatoes and carrots), peeling will likely remove some residue, but not all. That’s because some pesticides are systemic, meaning they are absorbed by the plant. Peeling can also have a downside, because the peels contain healthy fiber and other nutrients, says Amy Keating, a registered dietitian at Consumer Reports, so if you enjoy eating them, don’t throw them away just to avoid pesticides.

Are canned or frozen versions better or worse?

According to our analysis, it could go either way. For example, canned tomatoes scored better than fresh in our ratings, but frozen strawberries posed a higher risk than fresh ones. So we cannot reliably say that one form is safer than the other when it comes to pesticides. But our assessments can help determine which ones pose a lower risk in some cases.

Is ‘pesticide-free’ the same as organic?

You see that claim more and more often on some packaged products, but it does not mean that something is organic. For that, you should look for the USDA Organic label. And “pesticide-free” isn’t a regulated term, so you don’t know exactly what it’s telling you. On the other hand, you can rest assured that items with the USDA Organic label have been grown according to national standards and with only minimal levels of pesticides, if any.

Are products sold at farmers markets safer?

Maybe, but locally grown doesn’t necessarily mean organic. It doesn’t hurt to talk to the person selling the food about their farming practices, but a USDA Organic certification is the best guarantee.

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Read more about pesticides bee Consumer Reports

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