Can YOU spot the items that don’t belong in the fridge in 60 seconds? Half of people fail this brain teaser

In an educational brain teaser, participants had to indicate within 60 seconds which products do not belong in their refrigerator.

The picture shows a refrigerator full of vegetables, herbs, meat and even more unusual items such as telephones and lotion.

In this puzzle, viewers must search through the objects and identify the 10 items that can contaminate your food and cause food poisoning.

Only 50 percent of people could correctly identify all the objects and research has shown that the majority save them, despite the health risks.

In a brain teaser, people had to identify the 10 items that should never be kept in the refrigerator

The brain teaser, created by AO.comindicates which products should not be stored in the refrigerator, and is cleverly hidden among well-stored food.

This puzzle was meant to test people’s knowledge, but reportedly only people with high IQs could solve all 10 puzzles within 60 seconds.

The first item identified was red wine, which can be found in the left door and has a flavor profile that only comes into its own when stored at room temperature.

Next up was eye cream, which was on the third shelf in the left door, and nail polish. According to, people actually keep that nail polish in the fridge to make it last longer.

The nail polish can be found on the right side of the chocolate cake, on the third shelf from the right.

‘Eye cream and nail polish may feel refreshing when they’re cold, but keeping them in the fridge isn’t necessary and can actually change the texture,’ says Sarah Heaps, food storage expert at

It was found that people kept sunscreen in the refrigerator so they felt fresher when they applied it, but Heaps warned against doing this.

“Sunscreen may feel fresher if you put it in the refrigerator, but cold temperatures can cause the active ingredients in sunscreen to break down, making it less effective at protecting against UV radiation,” the researcher said.

The sunscreen can be found in a yellow bottle behind the carrots on the second shelf on the left.

The goods included hot food, telephones, red wine and flowers, which could pose health risks.

Hot food is perhaps the most confusing signal, as many people store food in the refrigerator immediately after cooking.

It’s marked as the steamed turkey on the second shelf to the right, and Heaps warned that storing hot food is an absolute no-no.

“Hot food should never be placed directly in the refrigerator, as this can cause the temperature inside the appliance to rise, which can lead to bacterial growth,” the spokesperson said.

You should also never store pet food in the refrigerator, as it can contain harmful bacteria such as Salmonella and Listeria. These bacteria can contaminate human food and cause food poisoning.

If you want to keep your pet’s food cold, it’s best to store it in a separate refrigerator that doesn’t contain human food.

Visitors will also notice a bouquet of flowers on the right door of the refrigerator. Although the flowers will last longer if you keep them cold, you may want to store them somewhere else.

Flowers can lose their scent when refrigerated. If stored with fruits and vegetables, it can release ethylene gas. This can shorten the shelf life of flowers.

Storing non-edible items together with perishables, such as washcloths, can also pose a health risk, as they “can introduce new bacteria into the environment of your refrigerator if not properly cleaned or maintained.”

The flannel shirts, which can be found in the bottom right drawer, also come with lipstick. The survey found that people keep this lipstick in their fridge.

The lipstick, seen on the second shelf of the right door, is symbolic of all makeup products that can disintegrate and loosen when exposed to colder temperatures.

The tenth and final item identified were phones — seen in the bottom left drawer — which some people might want to put in the refrigerator to cool down if the fridge overheats, but Heaps said this is not recommended.

“While most people probably wouldn’t think of putting their iPhone in the fridge to cool it down, our latest research shows that iPhones are in the top ten of unusual things people keep in the fridge,” Heaps said.

‘Even on a warm day, don’t be tempted to put technology in the fridge to cool it down. The cold environment can damage these devices or cause unnecessary condensation.’

It is important to know how to store food properly in the refrigerator. This will help ensure food safety and quality, and prevent food poisoning from contaminants in other products.

Heaps offered this advice: “While the brain teaser is fun, it’s also very important that readers realize that not everything stores well in the refrigerator.”

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