Can YOU pronounce them? The 10 longest words in the English dictionary revealed


Can YOU pronounce them? The 10 longest words in the English dictionary revealed – that’s how you say them

  • Experts searched the Oxford English Dictionary for the 10 longest words
  • Pneumonoultramicroscopic silicovolcanoconiosis is officially the longest word

Whether it’s “abundant” or “splendid,” many of us have a few fancy words in our arsenal that we use when we want to impress our friends.

But if you really want to dazzle your friends, these impressively long words are just what you need.

Experts at Preply searched the latest Oxford English Dictionary for the 10 longest words.

Pneumonoultramicroscopic silicovolcanoconiosis takes the crown as the longest word, consisting of a whopping 45 letters.

Here we reveal the 10 longest words, as well as their meaning and how to pronounce them.

Experts at Preply searched the latest Oxford English Dictionary for the 10 longest words. Here we reveal them, as well as their meaning and how to pronounce them

1. Pneumonoultramicroscopic silicovolcanoconiosis

Length: 45 letters

Meaning: A lung disease caused by inhalation of very fine silicate or quartz dust

Pronunciation: Nyoo muh now uhl truh mai kruh sko puhk si luh kow vol kay now kow nuh ow suhs

2. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia

Length: 36 letters

Meaning: Ironically, hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the name for fear of long words

Pronunciation: Hallo-poh-po-toh-mon-stroh-ses-kwee-peh-dah-leejoh-foh-beejah

3. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

Length: 34 letters

Meaning: A term coined by our favorite British nanny Mary Poppins, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious refers to something extremely good or wonderful

Pronunciation: Soo puh ka luh fra juh luh stuh kek spee a luh dow shuhs

Pneumonoultramicroscopic silicovolcanoconiosis takes the crown as the longest word, consisting of a whopping 45 letters. It is a lung disease caused by inhalation of very fine silicate or quartz dust (stock image)

4. Pseudo-hypoparathyroidism

Length: 30 letters

Meaning: In the medical field, pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism is a hereditary condition that causes short stature, round face, and short hand bones

Pronunciation: Pseu‧do‧pseu‧do‧hy‧po‧par‧a‧thy‧roid‧ism

5. Floccinaucinihilipilification

Length: 29 letters

Meaning: Floccinaucinihilipilification refers to the act or habit of categorizing something as worthless or worthless. Despite its meaning, the word is generally used in a humorous context.

Pronunciation: Flok-si-naw-si-ni-hi-li-pi-li-cay-shun

A term coined by our favorite British nanny Mary Poppins, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious refers to something extremely good or wonderful

6. Anti-disestablishmentarianism

Length: 28 letters

Meaning: History buffs may already know this, but anti-disestablishmentism refers to a political movement in 19th-century Britain that was determined to separate church and state

Pronunciation: An tee di suh sta bluhsh muhn teuhree uh ni zm

7. Honorable Mention

Length: 27 characters

Meaning: Derived from medieval Latin, honorificabilitudinitatibus refers to the ‘state of being able to achieve honours’

Pronunciation: Ho·no·ri·fi·ka·bi·li·tu·di·ni·ta·ti·bus

8. Thyroparathyroidectomy

Length: 25 letters

Meaning: Thyroparathyroidectomy refers to the surgical removal of the thyroid and parathyroid glands

Pronunciation: Thy ro para thy ro dec tom ized

Thyroparathyroidectomy refers to the surgical removal of the thyroid and parathyroid glands (stock image)

9. Dichlorodifluoromethane

Length: 23 letters

Meaning: A colourless, non-flammable gas that liquefies under pressure

Pronunciation: Dahy·klawr·oh·dahy·floor·oh·meth·eyn

10. Incomprehensibilities

Length: 21 letters

Meaning: Incomprehensibilities refers to the state of impossible or very difficult to understand

Pronunciation: Difficulties

Do you mispronounce these brand names?

Nutella – ‘new-tell-uh’

Hyundai – ‘Hun Day’

Nike – ‘ni-key’

Moschino – ‘moss wrench-no’

Hermes Paris – ‘air-mez’

Ikea – ‘ih-key-yah’

Porsche – ‘Por-sha’

Hoegaarden – ‘who-garden-den’

Fage – ‘fah-yay’

Ocado – “uh-auto-doh”

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