Calls for a ban on Wild West gender clinics that hand out puberty blockers to children are growing louder

Calls to stop handing out puberty blockers to children in the Wild West intensified last night, ahead of the publication of a long-awaited report into the sector.

Campaigners, including former Prime Minister Liz Truss, called for a ban on prescribing from ‘cowboy clinics’ after the NHS made the decision to stop handing them out last month.

They said frustration over delays and NHS waiting lists had driven vulnerable children into the arms of unregulated private clinics.

Campaigners, including former Prime Minister Liz Truss, called for a ban on prescribing from ‘cowboy clinics’ after the NHS made the decision to stop handing them out last month. (Stock Image)

Why I stood up for children, by Dr. Whistleblower

A whistleblower at the Tavistock Trust said he was ‘glad I didn’t turn away’ when colleagues raised concerns with him about the children’s gender service, which closed last month.

Dr. David Bell, who has worked as a consultant psychiatrist at the trust for 25 years, was speaking ahead of the publication of a report in the Independent Review of Gender Identity Services for Children and Young People.

In 2018, two years before the review was commissioned, Dr. Bell is concerned that children are being ‘rushed’ through the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust’s Gender Identity Development Service (Guide) but not getting the care they need for issues such as anxiety and depression.

Dr. Bell said: “I’m glad I didn’t turn away. ‘

The calls come just days before the publication of an independent review of gender identity services for children by Dr Hilary Cass.

Dr. Michael Biggs, professor of sociology at the University of Oxford and board member of the charity Sex Matters, said: ‘Private gender clinics are a law unto themselves and should be banned.

‘These cowboy clinics should not continue to provide medicines to children for which NHS England says there is insufficient evidence to support safety or clinical effectiveness.’

The interim report of Dr. September 2022 Cass warned against routinely prescribing puberty blockers to children. The preliminary findings were adopted by NHS England last month.

But campaigners have warned that nothing can stop children getting the drugs through private clinics and have called for stricter regulations.

Ms Truss, who is campaigning to change the law through a private members bill, accused activists of exploiting existing legislation.

She said: ‘I am deeply concerned that private gender clinics are a Wild West for vulnerable children.

‘Extreme activists are exploiting loopholes in the law to encourage children to take drugs that will permanently change their bodies.’