CALLAHAN: The White House can find Bin Laden in Pakistan but not a cocaine culprit under its nose

Make no mistake: the Biden administration is laughing at us.

We’re meant to believe that the US Secret Service, charged with protecting the president’s life, can’t solve the case of who left cocaine in a secure, hard-to-access part of the White House — despite facial recognition cameras, guestbook logs and security throughout the most secure building in the western world.

The cover-up, as the Nixon-era saying goes, is always worse than the crime.

At least this feels like yet another blatant White House whitewash.

Here is, in part, the statement released by the Secret Service on Thursday. See if you can read this with a straight face.

“The investigation included a methodical review of security systems and protocols,” it says, noting that the pouch – which was initially tested for anthrax, whose reported location changed three times in a week – was found in a container used to store store personal devices before entering the West Wing.

But wouldn’t you know that according to the Secret Service, there are no security cameras in the hallway that leads to the West Wing, to the Oval Office, to the center of the most powerful person on Earth.

No folks, nothing to see here. Literal.

We are meant to believe that the US Secret Service, charged with protecting the life of the President himself, cannot solve the case of whoever left cocaine in a secure, inaccessible part of the White House.

According to the Secret Service, there are no security cameras in the hallway that leads to the West Wing, to the Oval Office, to the center of the most powerful person on Earth.  No folks, nothing to see here.  Literal.  (Image: President Biden).

According to the Secret Service, there are no security cameras in the hallway that leads to the West Wing, to the Oval Office, to the center of the most powerful person on Earth. No folks, nothing to see here. Literal. (Image: President Biden).

“No surveillance videos were found that provided investigative leads or other means for investigators to identify who deposited the found substance in this area,” the statement claimed.

Wow – that’s a thicket of words. It almost feels like they’re trying to overcompensate, doesn’t it?

“Without physical evidence,” the statement continued, “the investigation will not be able to single out a stakeholder … the Secret Service investigation is closed.”

So let’s get this straight: The United States was able to find Osama bin Laden hiding in a secure walled compound in Pakistan, but the Secret Service can’t literally solve this riddle right under their noses?

What does that say about the competence of this White House, if taken at face value? From Joe Biden?

If the president’s security is so porous and lax, shouldn’t he demand answers? Shouldn’t the media do that?

What if the next sachet contains ricin? Shouldn’t Biden be calling for heads to roll?

You probably won’t be surprised to hear veteran FBI agent Mark Morgan, former border commissioner under Donald Trump, say this investigation should have been a piece of cake.

“An investigation like this is quite simple,” Morgan told the last week. “Anyone who enters the White House is manifested. They know who enters, they know where they came in, they are monitored and video cameras are everywhere.’

Naturally. Common sense dictates so much. But Biden continues to think we are all idiots.

This closed case is smelling increasingly foul given the recent beatings from his son Hunter. Charged with gun possession and failing to pay his income taxes of $1.5 million a year in 2017 and 2018, Hunter walked away.

The weapons charge alone carried a maximum sentence of ten years in prison, in part because Hunter was an active drug addict at the time.

So let's get this straight: The United States was able to find Osama bin Laden hiding in a secure walled compound in Pakistan, but the Secret Service can't literally solve this riddle right under their noses?

So let’s get this straight: The United States was able to find Osama bin Laden hiding in a secure walled compound in Pakistan, but the Secret Service can’t literally solve this riddle right under their noses?

This closed case is smelling increasingly foul given the recent beatings from his son Hunter.  Charged with gun possession and failing to pay his income taxes of $1.5 million a year in 2017 and 2018, Hunter walked away.  (Pictured: Biden with First Lady Jill and son Hunter).

This closed case is smelling increasingly foul given the recent beatings from his son Hunter. Charged with gun possession and failing to pay his income taxes of $1.5 million a year in 2017 and 2018, Hunter walked away. (Pictured: Biden with First Lady Jill and son Hunter).

This is to say nothing of the years he spent selling access to his father.

Democrats and progressives in particular wonder: Would a poor person of color, with decades of drug abuse in their history, get such a colossal breakthrough? Such a spongy, jump-in-your-step cakewalk? Days later, an invitation to a state dinner at the White House?

This latest scandal may not seem like much of a threat — a dime, a stalled investigation, a refusal to address the White House press — but it is very real.

The contempt this shows to voters is outrageous. This administration is now thoroughly emblematic of the “rules-for-you, not-for-me” arrogance that spawned a populist like Trump.

But it’s easy to see why the Biden administration is so emboldened.

Much of the mainstream media continues to fall in line, repeating everything Biden would have us believe: he is complete compound. The border is safe. Kamala Harris is doing ‘great’. Our withdrawal from Afghanistan was a great success. Title IX shouldn’t be just for women and women are fine with that.

And if they aren’t, they should be, because no president has ever been more in favor of diversity, justice and inclusion. In fact, these should be among the most important criteria for hiring at NASA and the US military.

There’s more, according to Biden: The economy is doing well, even as average Americans struggle to fill their tank. As 401(k)s lost about 23 percent in 2022. As the country is further divided by wakeism, virtue signaling and orthodoxy of thought.

And believe him when he says no one understands the importance of family anymore.

Let’s not forget that Biden quoted his father, in a 2015 commencement speech at Yale, that family is “the beginning, the middle and the end.” Yet this is the same man who cruelly ignores the 4-year-old child Hunter fathered with a former stripper.

Here was MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski Wednesday, giving Biden advice: Don’t step aside for the good of the country, Don’t replace his disastrous VP when he’s determined to run, Don’t keep Hunter in line and out of sight.

No, she thinks our president needs better staff to hide his obvious flaws — like rambling on during a TV interview or not shaking hands with anyone or inexplicably ending a gun control speech with “God save the Queen, man” or from falling down the stairs of Air Force One more than once.

The contempt this shows to voters is outrageous.  This administration is now thoroughly emblematic of the

The contempt this shows to voters is outrageous. This administration is now thoroughly emblematic of the “rules-for-you, not-for-me” arrogance that spawned a populist like Trump.

“I’m just saying that if you manage a president’s schedule, and you manage a president who gets on stage and comes off stage, and gets on planes and gets off planes — and yes, he’s 80 — you have to go for it. be him,” Brzezinski said.

“And you have to make a path and you better make sure it doesn’t fall on a sandbag. And I blame the staff.’

This is precisely part of the problem. Instead of the media asking if an obviously weak 80-year-old man can handle the job right now – let alone a second term – they shift the blame and apologize.

That’s why this cocaine scandal is irritating. The media will not push back or demand answers because they want Biden reelected.

This is the kind of propaganda people rightly shy away from. It forms the basis for a new Trump presidency.

Look at the response of White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre last Friday when asked if the cocaine belonged to someone in the Biden family.

“You know, there’s been some irresponsible coverage of the family,” she snorted, also claiming she’d handled the matter “exhaustively.” Could have fooled us.

In the absence of any Secret Service and White House findings ignoring this breach, an obvious question looms: What about the first son, former hard-core, long-term drug addict Hunter Biden?

Yes, Hunter and Joe left the White House on Friday. The coke was not found until Sunday. But that doesn’t prove or disprove anything.

After all, we’re told there’s no way of knowing who left it and when.

The White House may feel they have evaded scandal, but the price may be higher than they think.

People are not stupid. Keep treating us like this, Mr. President, and you may be shocked by the November polls.