Bumbling Joe Biden says Donald Trump is the ‘SITTING President’ as confused 81-year-old stumbles through economic speech in South Carolina trying to shore up support for another term

Bumbling Joe Biden said Donald Trump is the “sitting president” as the befuddled 81-year-old stumbled through an economic speech in South Carolina this weekend.

The president sought to shore up support for another term when he ran into the former president Saturday at a dinner celebrating the state and its large base of black voters.

In addition to bashing Trump over his views on the U.S. economy, Biden also said his Republican rival’s failure to support the rights of black citizens posed a threat to democracy.

“American consumers have real confidence in the economy we are building. Let me tell you who else notices that: Donald Trump,” Biden said in his speech.

The president then began to fumble his words as he tried to gather his thoughts, saying, “Did you see what he said the other day about, he wants, he wants to see the economy crash this year? A sitting president.”

During a speech in South Carolina last Saturday, President Joe Biden stumbled over his words as he attacked Donald Trump and called him a “sitting president.”

Biden also labeled Trump a

Biden also labeled Trump a “loser” for bringing up his Republican rival’s “refusal” to visit a cemetery in France honoring fallen American soldiers.

Biden also labeled Trump a “loser” for bringing up his Republican rival’s “refusal” to visit a cemetery in France honoring fallen American soldiers.

“And called those heroes, and I quote, ‘suckers and losers.’ He really said that! How dare he say that!’

“The only loser I see is Donald Trump,” Biden said.

The president added that Trump “knows” that the U.S. economy “is good and strong and getting stronger.”

“He knows that while it’s good for America, it’s bad for him politically.”

Biden’s latest blunder came moments after he stumbled during another speech at a Wisconsin brewery, where he called Trump a “professor” instead of a “pastor” before correcting himself.

During his remarks, the president appeared to be speaking nonsensically when he said, “The beer brewed here. It is used to make the brewed beer. While defining Earth Rider.”

“Thank you for the Great Lakes. I wonder why,” he added.

Biden is pictured with Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and workers in yellow vests at a bar as he put on a construction hat backwards

Biden is pictured with Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and workers in yellow vests at a bar as he put on a construction hat backwards

In addition, a photo published on the Twitter account of Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota showed the president at a bar with union workers.

He had put on a helmet, but was wearing it backwards.

Klobuchar held a beer with workers in yellow vests as Biden, who does not drink, gathered around them and smiled.

Democratic presidential candidate Dean Phillips criticized Biden just hours after he delivered his rambling speech.

Phillips said Biden showed “physical and communication decline” and that the problems are “obvious” as concerns about the president’s age loom over his re-election bid.

‘I don’t see any cognitive decline. Of course we see the physical and communication decline,” Phillips told Fox News later Thursday night.

“I think that goes without saying with any video,” he added. But he didn’t think it was “fair” to suggest Biden was in cognitive decline.

‘He’s human. But he’s an 81-year-old man. He’s human. Donald Trump is 77,” the congressman said.

Phillips added that he still has “respect” for Biden, but during his presidential campaign he made it clear that the country does not want either Trump or Biden on the map.

Just before that blunder, Biden had another stunning moment during a speech he gave in Raleigh, North Carolina, where he touted the plan to connect thousands of homes to high-speed internet.

Democratic presidential candidate Dean Phillips castigated Biden just hours after his Wisconsin blunder, saying the president was showing

Democratic presidential candidate Dean Phillips castigated Biden just hours after his Wisconsin blunder, saying the president was showing “physical and communication decline”

Biden is seen at a drive-thru at a Cook Out restaurant after his speech.  He is seen spooning a 'triple thick' black and white milkshake into his mouth while talking to employees

Biden is seen at a drive-thru at a Cook Out restaurant after his speech. He is seen spooning a ‘triple thick’ black and white milkshake into his mouth while talking to employees

As he spoke, he became momentarily confused as he tried to praise Democratic state Rep. Deborah Ross.

‘Where is Deborah? I just took a picture with her. That’s probably why she left,” he first joked.

“Oh, actually, she couldn’t be here. That is not true. I got it mixed up,” he said uncomfortably. “You know, she fights really hard for the people of this district and she’s in Washington right now.”

He went further, explaining the White House’s goal to connect “everyone” in America to high-speed internet “just like Franklin Roosevelt did with electricity a generation ago.”

“I promised to be president for all of America, whether you voted for me or not. These investments also help all Americans in red states and blue states. We won’t leave anyone behind.’

North Carolina is a state that Biden’s campaign is targeting as a possible rebound in the 2024 race.

After his speech was mixed up, Biden stopped for a sweet treat at a Cook Out restaurant, where he ordered a “triple thick” black and white milkshake.

He then took selfies and chatted with restaurant staff, as he was seen in photos standing at the drive-thru while shoveling the milkshake into his mouth.

A new survey showed Trump taking a six-point lead over Biden as the 2024 election heads toward a possible rematch after both men prevailed in the New Hampshire primary.

Trump leads Biden by 40 to 34 percentage points in the new Reuters/Ipsos poll of 1,250 adults.

Overall, 70 percent of respondents said Biden should not run for re-election, while 56 percent said Trump should not run.