Bruce Lee ‘may have died from drinking too much WATER’


Bruce Lee ‘may have died from drinking too much WATER’: Doctors think they have solved the mystery of a movie star’s untimely death…nearly 50 years later!

  • “Excess water seems to have killed him in the end,” researchers claim
  • They wrote in the Clinical Kidney Journal that Bruce Lee had hyponatremia
  • This is where the sodium level in the blood – necessary for fluid balance – is low
  • His risk factors were high water intake and cannabis use – which increases thirst
  • Previous theories about the cause of death include brain swelling and heatstroke

Kung fu legend Bruce Lee may have died from drinking too much water, doctors claim nearly 50 years after his passing.

The martial arts supremo-cum-Hollywood star passed away at the age of 32 in the summer of 1973 while in Hong Kong.

An autopsy revealed that Bruce had died of brain swelling, which doctors blamed on him for taking a painkiller.

His untimely demise sparked rumors that he may have been murdered by Chinese mobsters, poisoned by a jealous lover, or the victim of a curse. Another theory was that he died of heat stroke.

Now researchers have looked at the evidence to decide that Bruce probably died of hyponatremia.

“In other words, we propose that the kidney’s inability to excrete excess water killed Bruce Lee,” the team of experts wrote in the Clinical Kidney Journal.

Movie star and martial artist Bruce Lee's mysterious death may have been due to drinking too much water, a new study finds.

Movie star and martial artist Bruce Lee’s mysterious death may have been due to drinking too much water, a new study finds.

Hyponatremia means that the level of sodium in the blood – which your body needs for fluid balance – is abnormally low.

An imbalance causes cells in the body to swell, including in the brain.

The study alleges that Bruce had multiple risk factors for hyponatremia, including drinking large amounts of fluids, using cannabis – which increases thirst – and other factors that reduce the ability of the kidneys, such as the use of prescription drugs and alcohol. .

Lee’s wife Linda revealed how Bruce had a liquid diet of carrot and apple juice leading up to his death.

And Matthew Polly – who wrote the biography Bruce Lee, One Life in 2018 – refers to repeated ingestion of water on the night of his death.

Matthew Polly - who wrote the 2018 biography Bruce Lee, A Life - references repeated ingestion of water on the night of Lee's death

Matthew Polly – who wrote the 2018 biography Bruce Lee, A Life – references repeated ingestion of water on the night of Lee’s death

The study concluded: ‘We hypothesize that Bruce Lee died of a specific form of renal dysfunction: the inability to excrete enough water to maintain water homeostasis, which is primarily a tubular function.

“This can lead to hyponatremia, cerebral edema (brain swelling) and death within hours if excess water intake is not accompanied by water excretion in the urine, which is consistent with the timeline of Lee’s death.”

The researchers wrote that the fact that drinking water was noticed while it is “such an everyday activity” means it was probably “significantly higher” than those around him on the day he died.

Bruce is also said to have used cannabis frequently and described himself in a letter as ‘stoned as hell’.

Cannabis use can increase thirst and Mr. Polly refers in his book to repeated use of the substance on July 20, 1973 – the day Bruce died.

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“In other words, we propose that the kidney’s inability to excrete excess water killed Bruce Lee,” the scientists wrote (photo: Bruce Lee in Enter The Dragon)

The researchers suggest that this may have prompted Bruce to drink excess water.

Ironically, Lee made the quote “Be water my friend” famous, but excess water seems to have killed him in the end,” they wrote.

Bruce’s death came just a few weeks before the release of Enter the dragon – the first major Western-produced Kung Fu film.

He had a near miss in May 1973 after collapsing and having cramps after an editing session in a sweltering dubbing room with no air conditioning.

A doctor diagnosed him with cerebral edema and Bruce admitted to eating some Nepali hashish shortly before the episode.

What is Hyponatremia?

Hyponatremia means that the level of sodium in your blood is below normal and this is the most common electrolyte disorder. It is more common in older people.

Your body needs sodium to balance fluids and control your blood pressure, nerves, and muscles.

The normal blood sodium level is 135 to 145 milliequivalents per litre.

What Causes Hyponatremia?

Causes of hyponatremia include:

  • Excessive thirst – Causes too much fluid intake
  • Kidney failure – The kidneys cannot rid the body of excess fluid
  • Congestive heart failure – Excess fluid builds up in the body
  • Diuretics (water tablets) – Causes the body to get rid of more sodium in the urine
  • Severe vomiting or diarrhea – The body loses a lot of fluid and sodium
  • Antidepressants and Painkillers – May cause more sweating and urinating than usual

What Are the Symptoms of Hyponatremia?

Symptoms of hyponatremia include:

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Low bloodpressure
  • Loss of energy
  • Muscle weakness, twitching or cramps
  • Restlessness or bad mood
  • Headache, confusion or tiredness
  • Seizures or coma

How is hyponatremia treated?

Treatment for hyponatremia varies depending on the severity, but the first step may be to reduce the amount of fluid you drink or adjust your use of diuretics (water pills).

Your GP may also recommend an intravenous sodium solution, sodium-retaining drugs or dialysis.