Bronx mom Ivana Paolozzi SMILES at court after being charged with hiding baby daughter’s body ‘when boyfriend murdered her and dumped her in woods’

A young mother smiled as she left a New York City court after appearing on charges of her infant daughter’s death and concealment.

Ivana Paolozzi, 20, smiled in the hallways of the Bronx courthouse on Tuesday. She is charged with tampering with physical evidence and two counts of concealing a human corpse, in addition to obstructing government administration.

She is currently on supervised release with an electronic monitor.

Damion Comager, 23, is Paolozzi’s co-defendant and boyfriend. He was charged with murder and manslaughter in the death of his infant daughter, Genevieve, who died in May and was found buried in a book bag in the woods near a homeless shelter in the Bronx.

Ivana Paolozzi (left) smiles as she leaves Bronx Court on Tuesday. She is charged with tampering with physical evidence, concealing a human corpse and hindering the death of her daughter.

Damion Comager, 23, will appear in Bronx County Superior Court for a hearing on September 12, 2023. He is charged with murder and manslaughter for the death of his infant daughter.

Baby Genevieve was born in February and died about three months later. She was found buried in a book bag in the woods near a homeless shelter in the Bronx

In May, Comager whined that he “loved her” and was “sorry” when he was led away from the NYPD’s 44th Precinct in handcuffs and with his head bowed after being charged.

Genevieve’s grandfather previously revealed to the New York Post he felt compelled to call the police on his own son, after consulting with a priest. He said he decided he had to “do the right thing.”

“I’m just trying to process this,” Donald, 47, told The Post. ‘He told me the baby was crying a lot.

‘She wouldn’t stop crying. He said he just shook her and put her down, and then he lay down and went to sleep.

“He stood up and reached for her, but she was stiff and her body was cold. He panicked. He told his girlfriend, “I think she’s dead.”

An NYPD spokesperson previously told that a concerned family member, now believed to be the grandfather, alerted police to the missing baby who was found unconscious and unresponsive.

It is believed the baby was living with her parents at the University Family Residence, a transitional living center located at 1041 University Avenue, blocks from Yankee Stadium.

An NYPD spokesperson previously told that a concerned family member, now believed to be the grandfather, alerted police to the missing baby who was found unconscious and unresponsive. Pictured: Paolozzi leaving a court in the Bronx

Paolozzi, originally from Switzerland, moved from Louisiana to New York with Comager last November

Paolozzi has been released on supervised release and electronic monitoring while she awaits trial

Comager appeared in Bronx Supreme Court on Tuesday. Unlike Paolozzi, he is in custody

Comager looks around the courtroom during his Sept. 12 appearance at a Bronx courthouse

Sources say Comager allegedly admitted to shaking and hitting the baby on May 14 while she wouldn’t stop crying.

Genevieve’s mother Paolozzi first met Comager during a trip to Switzerland, where Paolozzi is originally from

Sources told The Post that Comager reportedly admitted to shaking and hitting the baby on May 14 while she wouldn’t stop crying.

It is claimed he did not want to take her to hospital after she became unresponsive because he was concerned the marks around her neck would arouse suspicion.

Later that morning, little Genevieve was put in a bag and dumped in the wooded area where she lay undiscovered for more than two weeks, the sources said.

“They put the baby in a book bag and took her into the wooded area,” Donald recalled his son telling him on the phone.

Police from the 44th Precinct are investigating the death of Genevieve who was found in a wooded area near the Major Deegan Expressway on Sunday evening around 8:30 p.m.

It is believed the baby was living with her parents at the University Family Residence, a transitional housing unit located at 1041 University Avenue, and blocks away from Yankee Stadium.

Genevieve’s father and mother first met during a trip to Switzerland, where Paolozzi is originally from.

Comager, originally from Louisiana, and his girlfriend moved to New York City in November and Genevieve was born in February.

Comager’s father said the little girl was his first grandchild and he never met her in person, although he kept in touch with her regularly through phone calls or FaceTime.

Donald reflected on the challenges he faced in reporting his own son, but after praying with his priest, he felt he had no choice but to call the police.

He also revealed that his son, who had “several previous arrests for assault, domestic violence and criminal impersonation,” had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia as a child.

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