Britney Spears claims her father, Jamie, saw her as nothing more than the family’s ‘cash flow’ and told her she would look like an ‘idiot’ if she didn’t go to rehab in harrowing new conservatorship details from her book

Britney Spears has recalled how her father Jamie mockingly declared I’m Britney Spears now after he was controversially appointed guardian of her finances and personal life in 2008.

In her bombshell memoir, The Woman in Me, the 41-year-old singer shared heartbreaking new details about how her every move was monitored during her 13-year stint in custody, claiming nothing she’d done before warranted her existence. treated like (she) a bank robber’.

In the excerpts he came up with The New York TimesThe mother-of-two revealed that her unfair treatment, being cared for as if she was ‘too sick’ to make basic decisions but ‘somehow healthy enough’ to continue working non-stop, made her realize that she simply considered ‘the course of money’ for her family.

Britney also claims her father threatened her with court if she didn’t agree to another stint in rehab in 2018 and said she would look like an “idiot” if she refused.

Britney Spears has recalled how her father Jamie Spears mockingly declared “I’m Britney Spears now” after he was controversially named her conservator in 2008.

In her bombshell memoir, The Woman Inside Me, the 41-year-old singer shared new details about how her every move was tracked during her 13-year conservatorship (pictured in 2018).

Recalling the early days of her conservatorship, she wrote: “Too sick to choose a boyfriend myself, yet somehow healthy enough to appear on sitcoms and morning shows and perform in front of thousands of people in a different part of the world every week.”

‘From that moment on, I began to think that he saw me as born on earth for no other reason than to help their cash flow.’

Elsewhere, the pop star once again claimed the decision to place her under controversial guardianship was made by her father, now 71, with the support of her mother Lynn, 68, and business manager Louise (Lou) M. Taylor.

Lou Taylor, 58, has consistently denied allegations that she was the mastermind behind the decision, while Jamie has always insisted his decisions were an attempt to protect his daughter from financial exploitation.

Jamie took control of his eldest daughter’s life and finances after some very publicized mental health struggles, including her famous head shave.

It started as a temporary arrangement but became permanent by the end of 2008.

Reflecting on her lifestyle, Britney said: ‘I know I’ve been wild, but nothing I’ve done to justify being treated like a bank robber… Nothing to justify having my whole life turned upside down.’

She revealed how she was forced to take ‘prepackaged drugs’ and treated like a child who couldn’t function on her own.

“I went from partying to a complete monk,” she wrote. “Security gave me pre-packaged envelopes of medication and watched me take them. They put parental controls on my iPhone. Everything is studied and controlled. All.’

Britney, who has sons Sean, 18, and Jayden, 17, with ex Kevin Federline, previously revealed in court that she was forced to use birth control and take medication against her will.

Jamie, 71, was in charge of Britney’s babysitter for 13 years, who the singer says controlled her every move

Britney claims she was only being treated to provide ‘cash flow’ for her family (pictured in January 2006 with father, brother Brian and mother Lynn)

During a court appearance, she told the judge: “Ma’am, my dad and everyone involved in this conservation business, and my management, who played a big part in punishing me when I said ‘No (to going on tour) – ma’am, they should be in jail.’

She claimed for many years that she did everything in her power to oppose the conservatorship in order to give her more freedom and autonomy.

However, she claims it is always ignored, hidden or minimized. Recalling one TV appearance in which she desperately tried to raise awareness, she said: “I even mentioned conservation on a talk show in 2016, but that part of the interview somehow didn’t make it to the air.” Huh. How interesting.’

The star continued to fight as hard as she could behind the scenes, claiming that the situation came to a head in 2018 when she was forced to spend more than three months in rehab after an argument with her father.

She recalled how it started with her having to undergo mental health evaluations, which led to claims that she needed to go to a $60,000-a-month rehab in Beverly Hills.

“My father said that if I didn’t go, I would have to go to court, and I would embarrass myself,” the Circus singer said, adding that Jamie allegedly threatened to make her look like an “idiot” if she failed to cooperate.

While in the facility, the singer was prescribed lithium, a mood-stabilizing drug usually reserved for the treatment of certain mental illnesses, such as mania, hypomania and bipolar disorder.

As the star has revealed over the past year, she has been completely stripped of all freedom.

The hitmaker slammed the fact that she was considered good enough to work but not good enough to control her personal life

Britney also claims Jamie, pictured earlier with now-ex-wife Lynne in 2012, forced her into rehab in 2018.

“They kept me locked up against my will for months.” I couldn’t go outside. I couldn’t drive a car,’ she recalls. “I had to give blood every week.” I couldn’t take a private bath. I couldn’t close the door to my room.’

Luckily, her stint in rehab gave her the opportunity to learn about the viral #FreeBritney movement that was gaining momentum.

Reflecting on how she felt when the nurse showed her fan-made clips, Britney said: “It was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen in my life. I don’t think people knew how much the #FreeBritney movement meant to me, especially in the beginning.’

However, there was one element of the movement that didn’t sit well with the singer – the countless documentaries that were made about the situation.

She said that “every day there was another documentary about me on another streaming service.”

She admitted: “It was difficult to watch documentaries about me.” I understand that everyone’s heart was in the right place, but I was hurt that an old friend was talking to the filmmakers without consulting me first.’

Britney added that a key problem she had with the projects was the fact that “there was so much speculation about what I must have thought or felt”.

After 13 years of fighting, Britney was officially released from conservatorship in November 2021.

The Woman in Me and accompanying audiobook will be released on October 24th

The singer shared that the biggest relief was knowing that her father no longer had control over her life.

She explained: “I felt relief wash over me. The man who scared me as a child and ruled over me as an adult, who did more than anyone to undermine my confidence, no longer controlled my life.’

She said she was left with physical and emotional damage as a result of more than a decade of abuse.

“Migraines are just one part of the physical and emotional damage I have now that I’m away from home,” she wrote. “I don’t think my family realizes the real damage they’ve done.”

Britney made headlines about her father a year ago when she posted on Instagram: ‘I hope he burns in fucking hell’

Britney made headlines a year ago when she dumped her father on Instagram, writing: “I really felt like my dad was trying to kill me and I hope he burns in fucking hell.”

Jamie has kept a relatively low profile since being suspended as head of the conservatoire in September 2021, which became permanent two months later.

However, has exclusively revealed that he is living with his youngest daughter Jamie Lynn Spears after a stint in rehab for alcoholism.

The Woman in Me will be released with an audio version, narrated by Oscar-nominated actress Michelle Williams.

Britney recorded a small portion of the book and avoided narrating the chapters that talk about her family because the content was “too painful to recount,” TMZ recently published.

Britney is the third member of her family to publish an autobiography.

Her mother wrote Through The Storm: A Real Story of Fame And Family In a Tabloid World in 2008, and her younger sister, Jamie Lynn, published Things I Should Have Said last year.

The Woman in Me and accompanying audiobook will be released on October 24th.

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