British woman explains why she hates Australia and wants to leave as soon as she can: ‘Worst country on earth’

A British woman has branded Australia the ‘worst country in the world’ during an unhinged online rant.

Writer and former teacher Sabrina ‘Bree’ Collins, who moved from Britain to Queensland, uploaded a video to social media about her experiences in Australia.

“Australia has destroyed everything I was before I came here and so much has happened while I was here, but it is not safe to make public everything that has happened to me,” she began.

‘If you’re a British woman on the other side of the world you really have to sit down and think: was it worth it?

‘If you’re a Brit sitting at home in Britain wondering about this fantastic life you could have in Australia, there are a few things you need to know first.’

Ms Collins went on to brand Australia as ‘highly sexist’, ‘offensive’, ‘isolated’ and ‘behind’.

‘The internet is really lagging behind, the technology is lagging behind.

‘When you’re in Australia you feel really isolated. “You feel like you’re stuck in the 1980s, and if you’re a woman it’s even worse,” she said.

“And I know a lot of people will take issue with what I say and say, ‘I’m living a great life in Australia.'”

“Look at me, look at my CV, look at all my achievements before I moved to Australia, and look at the way I’ve been treated.

“And that’s why I see no purpose or reason to stay in Australia.”

She expresses her desire to move to a “more progressive country” and mentions the US as a possible option.

She next hopes to write a book about her experiences in Australia.

“I want to leave this country as soon as possible, write my book and start a new life somewhere else,” she added.

Ms Collins’ tirade was not well received, with many Australians urging her to leave.

‘Please leave… and don’t destroy my country. I saw yours and you all came over for many reasons,” said one Aussie.

Another said: ‘Don’t let the door hit you on your way out ma’am!! Hello Felicia.’

“UK is way worse than Australia, mate. I’ve lived in both countries, it’s a lot better here,” a third commented.

“I feel like no matter what province you’re from, you’re still going to get the same reactions. it’s more your personality than national,” another added.

Some users pointed out that Ms Collins fit the British stereotype of a ‘whiny pom’.

Others joked about how she saw the US as safer and more progressive than Australia.

“I think you’re going to exactly the right place for you. You will find that the schools are very safe and the police… a very safe country for women,” said one.

“Oh, boohoo. Please move up. As an American it is much more backward than Australia,” wrote a second.

Ms. Collins was in the news across the country in 2021 for her relationship with dating app enthusiast Gable Tostee, now known as Eric Thomas.

Ms Collins has branded Australia ‘highly sexist’, ‘abusive’, ‘isolated’ and ‘behind’ and claimed she was constantly abused and threatened by people

Mr Tostee was acquitted of murder after Tinder date Warriena Wright, 26, plunged 14 floors from the balcony of his Gold Coast unit in 2014.

Ms. Collins and Mr. Tostee were a couple for a short period and later became “friends,” Ms. Collins said, but the relationship deteriorated when she was contacted by an alleged friend of Tostee who left threatening voicemail messages.

The offensive messages called her a “fucking disgusting psycho bitch,” a “pathetic cow,” an “obsessed loser” and accused her of using meth.

One ended: ‘Have a good life you damn psychopath, feel free to kill yourself.’

The unnamed woman added: “You’re nobody to him and that’s exactly why he f***(en a**e you psycho,”

Ms Collins said she got into an argument with the woman and called the police over the messages, but the fight continued online with Mr Tostee himself.

“If you don’t stop this, me and (his girlfriend) will pursue criminal charges. At the very least, I will report your actions to the education department. I don’t care about you, I’m not interested and never will be. It’s weird and creepy,” he told her.

Queensland Police said there was insufficient evidence to make a criminal complaint in relation to the messages sent to Ms Collins.

Ms Collins claimed she also received messages from Mr Tostee threatening legal action and reporting her to her bosses.

He branded Collins “delusional,” denied her claims and berated her for being “obsessed” with him.

Last year, another British woman faced backlash after sharing a long list of the pros and cons of each country.

“I have just returned from the UK and am feeling jet lag and homesick,” Deborah wrote.

‘I was up at half past one this morning writing a pros and cons list because I was feeling so flat after a wonderful time in the British summer.’

Deborah posted a list of pros and cons of living in Australia and Britain on a Facebook group for 'people thinking of moving back to Britain'.

Deborah posted a list of pros and cons of living in Australia and Britain on a Facebook group for ‘people thinking of moving back to Britain’.

Deborah split the page in half and wrote the pros for both countries first.

Benefits for Britain included family, beautiful scenery, supermarkets, chalets, school friends, universities, history, close proximity to Europe, more fun things for children, chocolate, Christmas atmosphere, lovely market towns and pubs.

Meanwhile, more space, more opportunities for children, low unemployment, higher wages, schools, the second safest country to live in, restaurants, everything is within reach, low population density, less national debt, strong economy, higher life expectancy, delicious tap water and outdoor pools topped the Australian professionals list.

Unsurprisingly, the list of professionals in Australia included year-round sunshine, beautiful beaches, low pollution and happy people.

Deborah wrote 11 cons for Australia – two more than Britain – including it’s boring, so far away, lack of history, rubbish supermarkets, bad chocolate, bushfires, expensive, slow internet, everything wants to kill you, shopping isn’t that fun /so good and crumpets are so bad.

Britain’s scam list included terrible tap water, highways congested, cold and miserable most of the year, driving standards, having to travel hours for a concert/airport, hospital wait times, restaurants outside London don’t compare to Oz and political unrest.

She told Daily Mail Australia the items on the lists were thoughts and “nothing is right or wrong.”

“I love Australia for its ‘no worries’ attitude,” Deborah said.

‘Australia is an amazing country with great opportunities, beautiful rainforests, oceans and beaches and fantastic wine.’

‘Unfortunately Australia is lacking prawn cocktail chips, chocolate that tastes good and most importantly real crumpets!’