British woman accidentally falls to her death from a balcony in Madrid

A British businesswoman has died after falling from a hotel balcony in Madrid.

Eden Young, a podcast host from Manchester who ran the pop culture show Polyester Podcast, was visiting the Spanish capital with her friend Gina to cover a festival in the city.

Her younger brother, Cameron, paid tribute to his sister.

He said, “Eden, my beautiful big sister. I am truly heartbroken, I am going to miss you more than I can begin to explain right now.

“It pains me deeply to think of a life without you, as you have been in mine since the day I was born.

Eden Young, a podcast presenter from Manchester, ran the pop culture show Polyester Podcast

“Eden, you were sincere, kind, caring, independent, strong, sarcastic, fun, sassy, ​​loving, creative, warm, fearless, welcoming, and absolutely beautiful inside and out.

“I really hope we can meet again someday, I will love you forever my big sister, my best friend.”

Eden’s heartbroken family has a GoFundMe to fly her body home to the UK.

They said: ‘On June 8, my beautiful sister Eden tragically passed away while on holiday with her best friend Gina in Madrid.

Eden was in Madrid preparing to do some press work for her company Polyester, a company she absolutely loved working for, at a festival she had been attending with her best friends for years.

“A few days before the festival took place, Eden accidentally fell dead from the accommodation where she was staying.

“This news saddens all of us, close to Eden, more than words can contain at this time.

“Due to the circumstances of Edens’ death, we must pay to fly her body home from Spain to be with us so we can give her the farewell we know she would want and more than deserve.

“All donations, large or small, are greatly appreciated during this devastating time.”

Eden’s family initially planned to raise £5,000 and have already raised over £26,000.

They said additional money raised will be donated to JackTheLad – a charity for safer holidays abroad.

As a tribute to Eden, the devastated Gina described how she found her friend after she died.

She said, “I can’t even put into words how much pain I feel over what happened to my beautiful, tenacious, caring, gobby best friend last week.

“It still doesn’t feel real. Finding you that morning and coping with your loss is finding a new way every second to break my heart.”

Eden Young, pictured with her friend Gina, died after falling from a hotel balcony in Madrid

Eden Young, pictured with her friend Gina, died after falling from a hotel balcony in Madrid

Eden Young's family has launched a GoFundMe page to fly her body home from Spain

Eden Young’s family has launched a GoFundMe page to fly her body home from Spain

Polyester Zine also paid tribute, saying, “We love you, Eden.”

The Indian street food restaurant BundoBust, where Eden previously worked, also shared a poignant message.

They said: ‘This is the hardest thing we’ve ever had to share, but we’re absolutely devastated to hear about the passing of Eden, OG member of the Bundo Manchester team who was instrumental in the formative years of Bundo.

Eden was truly one of a kind and impressed everyone she worked with and met at Bundo, all over the Manchester hospitality scene, and more recently through her journalism and broadcasting, which earned her the kind of international audience that a personality like that of Eden was always predestined.’