British tourist ‘is raped’ in Argentina by fellow backpacker before arresting suspect ‘trying to flee hostel by bus’

  • The alleged rapist was found with cocaine on him upon his arrest

A man accused of raping a British tourist has been captured by police in Argentina following a police manhunt.

The Italian was detained as he allegedly tried to flee from a hostel in the western Argentine city of Mendoza, where both he and the British holidaymaker had been staying.

Police arrested him on a bus in Buenos Aires province, on the way to Misiones in the northeast of the South American country.

The 31-year-old was detained on an arrest warrant issued by a court in Mendoza after his alleged victim filed a formal complaint.

When police arrested him, he was found in possession of a small amount of cocaine.

The alleged rapist was caught by police when he tried to escape in a carriage and was arrested

Despite traveling on an Italian passport, the man’s police held lives in London.

The alleged rape was reported last Friday.

The arrest took place today at a police roadblock on a main road called Ruta 9 near the town of San Nicolas de los Arroyos, a two-and-a-half drive north of the Argentine capital Buenos Aires.

Detectives had received a tip that he was in the vehicle and headed to the town of Misiones, near Argentina’s border with Paraguay and Brazil.

The suspect is now being taken back to Mendoza for questioning.

Authorities released photos of them arresting the wanted man in the bus he was traveling in.

He was pictured with his hands handcuffed behind his back by an armed police officer.