British scientists plan sophisticated computer program to combat antibiotic resistance

British scientists plan advanced computer program to combat antibiotic resistance that kills 10,000 Britons every year

  • Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacterial infections develop immunity to drugs
  • This resistance dramatically increases the risk of the simplest surgery

British scientists are developing a sophisticated computer program to help combat antibiotic resistance – a problem estimated to be responsible for 1.2 million deaths worldwide each year.

Antibiotic resistance is regarded as one of the greatest global health threats of our time, causing around 10,000 deaths each year in the UK alone.

It happens when bacterial infections build up a defense against commonly prescribed antibiotics, meaning the bug can no longer be killed.

This means that simple procedures such as hernia repairs and cataract surgery can quickly turn deadly, as they often cause infections for which there is no effective treatment.

Studies suggest that the NHS treats around 150 drug-resistant bacterial infections every day. With a growing number of bacterial infections becoming resistant to commonly prescribed drugs, doctors now rely on a small number of antibiotics that work when others don’t.

Antibiotic resistance is regarded as one of the greatest global health threats of our time, causing around 10,000 deaths each year in the UK alone

Studies suggest that the NHS treats around 150 drug-resistant bacterial infections every day

Studies suggest that the NHS treats around 150 drug-resistant bacterial infections every day

However, there is currently no way to track how often these drugs are used in hospitals. This information is crucial not only because they must be used sparingly so that patients do not develop resistance, but also because doctors need to know which antibiotics are still able to fight specific ‘superbugs’ – those that are resistant to some drugs.

Now experts at the University of Aberdeen have developed a program called the UK Antimicrobial Registry that will monitor the use of 11 antibiotics, initially in four hospitals – in Grampian, Clyde, Leicester and Manchester – before expanding to dozens more locations.

The researchers will note which infections these drugs are used for – for example, the dangerous superbug MRSA – and how effective they are at destroying the bacteria.

The UK Antimicrobial Registry will then regularly report on which drugs are overused and warn when they become ineffective against certain bacteria.

Experts say this is important information in the fight against antibiotic resistance, as often little is known about the strength of these antibiotics or how effectively they work.

‘These drugs are designed to be used as infrequently as possible, so in many cases some hospitals will have antibiotics they’ve never used before,’ says Professor Gareth Jones, an epidemiologist at the University of Aberdeen.

“This means we’re not entirely sure how effective they are at fighting resistant bugs.

‘We also want to make sure that clinicians use them correctly, for example by giving them to a patient who really needs such a strong antibiotic.

“This is crucial if we want these drugs to continue to save lives.”