Britain’s ‘hidden epidemic’ of drug driving exposed

There is a ‘hidden epidemic’ of drug driving in Britain: almost one in three hit the road unaware that they have dangerous levels of drugs in their system.

However, the drugs in question are not illegal substances, such as cannabis or cocaine.

Instead, it’s daily prescriptions and over-the-counter medications, including pain relievers and antidepressants, says IAM RoadSmart, a road safety charity.

A survey of more than 2,000 drivers found that nearly a third of drivers do not know the maximum dose of a prescription drug before it affects their driving.

‘Hidden epidemic’ of drug driving: A road safety charity has warned that one in three Britons don’t know if they have dangerous levels of prescription drugs in their system

Meanwhile, 31 percent of those surveyed don’t know how long they should wait to drive after taking their medication.

More than a fifth (22 percent) of drivers surveyed said they rarely (14 percent) or never (8 percent) check whether their medication affects their ability to drive.

More than a quarter (28 percent) are unlikely to avoid driving after taking over-the-counter medications, such as antihistamines or cold and flu remedies, that come with a warning not to use heavy equipment or machinery.

It is an offense under UK law to drive or attempt to drive while incapacitated due to drug use – and traffic laws do not distinguish between illegal and prescribed drugs.

However, those who have been driving while exceeding the specified legal limit may receive a medical defense as long as they followed the advice of health care professionals or do not render the motorist unfit to drive.

While it is ultimately the driver’s legal responsibility to inform the DVLA of their fitness to drive, it is also the responsibility of GPs and pharmacists to provide appropriate clinical advice to patients about the likely risks of prescription drugs.

Drivers caught and convicted of driving under the influence of drugs - even prescription drugs - can face a minimum 12-month driving ban, a criminal record, an unlimited fine and up to six months in prison

Drivers caught and convicted of driving under the influence of drugs – even prescription drugs – can face a minimum 12-month driving ban, a criminal record, an unlimited fine and up to six months in prison

And as we enter the hay fever season, drivers need to be extra vigilant about the medicines they use.

The NHS estimates that 10 million Britons suffer from hay fever, with many taking over-the-counter medicines to relieve runny noses and itchy eyes.

But pharmacists warn that drivers who use excessive doses of prescription drugs could face legal trouble if they fail roadside drug tests on the spot.

IAM RoadSmart is calling for an overhaul of the prescription process as the charity claims this lack of awareness may have led to an increase in drug drivers on UK roads.

Drivers caught and convicted of driving under the influence of drugs can face a minimum 12-month driving ban, a criminal record, an unlimited fine and up to six months in prison.

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Since the law was changed in 2015 to allow police to conduct roadside drug tests on motorists, convictions for driving under the influence of drugs have increased year over year to 27,962 cases by 2021.

Possible reforms include following the example of Australia, where medication packaging is required by law to display a visual warning if a driver could be affected by the substance, or France, which has implemented a colour-coded system on medication labels to identify potential help prevent risks. more clearly.

Year Collisions Victims
2012 622 944
2013 594 921
2014 684 1,059
2015 881 1,414
2016 1,054 1,703
2017 1,151 1,892
2018 1,321 2,056
2019 1,469 2,278
2020 1,546 2,290
2021 1,661 2,497

“When people think of driving under the influence of drugs, they will probably, quite understandably, think of those who get behind the wheel after using illicit and recreational substances such as cocaine, cannabis or ecstasy,” explains Antony Kildare, CEO of IAM RoadSmart.

Yet legal drugs used for medicinal purposes are often just as potent and can profoundly affect a driver’s judgment behind the wheel.

However, under the current system, this threat may not be understood, resulting in a lack of awareness of what should be fundamental considerations, such as maximum dosages or how the medication will affect their ability to drive.

“We would like to see a new and reformed system that provides more transparency about how drugs can affect a driver’s ability to drive, and that potential risks are clearly communicated to drivers.”

Road safety experts recommend that drivers remain vigilant for possible symptoms of taking medications.

They should also consider how the side effects may interfere with their ability to drive.

This includes whether they can cause problems such as drowsiness, light-headedness, trembling, and dizziness.

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