Britain’s first UFO TOUR is launched in Suffolk forest where 17 sightings were reported in 1980


Britain’s first UFO tour will launch from the spot where 17 mysterious objects were spotted more than 40 years ago, reports say.

Ex-detective Gary Heseltine is taking Brits on a tour of Suffolk’s curious Rendlesham Forest as part of a limited two-day event this summer, according to The sun.

Known as ‘Britain’s Roswell’, Rendlesham Forest was at the center of one of the UK’s most famous UFO sightings and has intrigued alien enthusiasts for decades.

There’s already a nature trail around the spot where ghostly red and green lights were seen in 1980, but now Mr. Hesteltine is taking it to the next level.

The tours follow the release of his book ‘Non-Human The Rendlesham Forest Incidents: 42 years of Denial’, which seeks to expose the ‘dark’ political world of the incident.

UFO hunter Gary Heseltine to organize tours of Suffolk’s Rendlesham Forest (pictured)

Mr Heseltine (pictured) claims the case is surrounded by 'disinformation' and 'politics'

Mr Heseltine (pictured) claims the case is surrounded by ‘disinformation’ and ‘politics’

Mr Heseltine wroteThe Rendlesham Forest incident is often referred to as “Britain’s Roswell”, and in terms of its significance in UFO history, the comparison is well made.

“However, I have to say that the RFI, as it has come to be known, is very, very different in many ways in certain key areas.

“After nearly 14 years of public investigation into the RFI, I can think of no other case that has been the subject of so much disinformation and damaging internal witness battles.”

In 1980, military personnel claimed to see lights floating in the sky and descending into the woods on three separate nights just before New Year’s Eve.

Although they were reportedly convinced that these shapes were alien spacecraft, it has since been dismissed as a scare tactic played by the British Special Air Service (SAS) on the US Air Force.

At the time, the SAS is said to have regularly tested US security by probing the nearby perimeters of RAF Woodbridge, where nuclear warheads were said to have been stored during the Cold War.

On one occasion, the British were reportedly brutally interrogated and beaten up by US security before being released 18 hours later after authorities intervened.

British X-Files expert Dr. David Clarke, an investigator on the case, previously said, “After their release, the troopers did not complain about their rough treatment, but were determined to get the USAF back for the beating they received. .

Unusual red and green fluorescent lights were seen in the woods in 1980 (file photo)

Unusual red and green fluorescent lights were seen in the woods in 1980 (file photo)

Pictured: The eastern gate at RAF Woodbridge, near the alleged incident, is said to have taken place

Pictured: The eastern gate at RAF Woodbridge, near the alleged incident, is said to have taken place

Rendlesham Forest already hosts a Forestry England nature trail that circles the UFO site

Rendlesham Forest already hosts a Forestry England nature trail that circles the UFO site

A 5 km UFO track is already available for avid alien hunters in Rendlesham Forest (dotted light purple)

A 5 km UFO track is already available for avid alien hunters in Rendlesham Forest (dotted light purple)

Staff Sergeant Jim Penniston (right) and Airman John Burroughs (left) allegedly interacted with a UFO that landed in Rendlesham Forest on December 26, 1980

Staff Sergeant Jim Penniston (right) and Airman John Burroughs (left) allegedly interacted with a UFO that landed in Rendlesham Forest on December 26, 1980

Their repeated characterization as “aliens” in particular sowed the seeds of a plan. They said, “They called us aliens. Right, we’ll show them what aliens really look like.”‘

As December approached, lights and colored torches were said to have been set up in Rendlesham Forest.

Remote-controlled kites were also paired with black helium balloons to carry suspended materials into the air.

Subsequently, for three days between 26 and 28 December, soldiers witnessed strange lights in the woods at RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge.

“A lot of late-night Christmas fun has been had at the expense of the USAF – and that’s where the matter should have ended,” said a letter to Dr Clarke by an alleged SAS source.

Unfortunately, a senior American officer (Lieutenant Colonel Halt) led the American contingent into the woods on the second night, taking his tape recorder with him.

The floating and buzzing lights were impressive enough for him to send a report to the Department of Defense.

“Someone in London remembered the events of last August and questions were asked. A few red faces – as well as some satisfaction and amusement – followed.

Charles Halt sent a memo to the British Ministry of Defense about the incident.  The ministry rejected its possible significance

Charles Halt sent a memo to the British Ministry of Defense about the incident. The ministry rejected its possible significance

Halt (pictured in a portrait from his army days) told The Sun: 'I never said anyone was kidnapped'

Halt (pictured in a portrait from his army days) told The Sun: ‘I never said anyone was kidnapped’

“The USAF was ‘reassured’ at a very high level and no British inquiry was launched – for obvious reasons.”

Both the US military and the British Ministry of Defense have rejected claims related to aliens and spacecraft after the 1980 incident.

Charles Halt was Deputy Commander in the US Army at the time John Burroughs, Airman First Class Edward Cabansag and Airman First Class Larry Warren surveyed the lights

Charles Halt was Deputy Commander in the US Army at the time John Burroughs, Airman First Class Edward Cabansag and Airman First Class Larry Warren surveyed the lights

The Department of Defense reportedly said there had been no threat to national security and that the UFOs were likely caused by nighttime lights.

Yet in 2018, a US Air Force colonel was videotaped stating that one of the men involved in the “British Roswell” may have been abducted by aliens.

Charles Halt was a deputy commander in the United States Army at the time when John Burroughs, Edward Cabansag and Larry Warren investigated the lights.

In footage released four years ago, Mr Halt says: ‘He [John Burroughs] maybe kidnapped, who knows… I’m not making that up.’

However, when approached by The Sun, Halt accepted that ‘something happened’ but denied making these comments.

“I never said anyone was kidnapped,” he told them.

Nor was this speculation mentioned in Mr. Halt’s original letter to the Ministry of Defence.

Still, researcher Mr. Heseltine continues to believe that the story of the case has been ‘controlled’ by a small number of people for more than a quarter of a century.

He wrote, “The July 1947 Roswell story was, in simple terms, the alleged recovery of a crashed alien craft and bodies with a single military and government agenda to cover it up.

“The RFI, on the other hand, is much more complicated, with seemingly multiple agendas at play.”

Mr. Heseltine has been approached for comment.

Mystery of the 1947 Roswell Wreck

In July 1947, a farmer reported that pieces of debris had been scattered across his land.

Authorities were called to the scene and after examining the wreckage it was determined that the pieces came from a flying sauce.

The front page story of the local newspaper reported that the Roswell Army field recovered a flying saucer on a ranch in New Mexico after metallic, light but strong material was scattered across the country.

“The intelligence office of the 509th Bombardment Group at Roswell Army Air Field announced at noon today that the field has come into possession of a flying saucer,” Roswell Daily Record reported on July 8, 1947.

However, shortly after the “UFO” discovery made headlines, the War Department in Washington issued a statement claiming the debris was the remains of a weather balloon.