Brit tourist’s family say they’re ‘grateful he’s alive’ after Egypt ‘holiday from hell’ saw him dislocate shoulder on ‘unsupervised’ water slide then suffer gastric illness that left him with internal bleeding

The family of a British tourist say they are ‘thankful he is alive’ after Egypt saw him dislocate his shoulder on an ‘unattended’ water slide and subsequently suffer a stomach illness that left him with internal bleeding while on a ‘holiday from hell’

  • Anthony Baker and cousin Corbin became ill at the beginning of the holidays



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The family of a British tourist say they are grateful he is alive after he injured his shoulder on a water slide during a ‘hellish holiday’ in Egypt and subsequently suffered a stomach illness that left him with internal bleeding.

Anthony Baker first dislocated his shoulder while descending a water slide with his cousin Corbin at the five-star Jaz Makadi Aquaviva Hotel in the seaside resort of Hurghada.

The family claims the slide was unattended at the time and Anthony, 56, was injured when the inflatable boat he was in bounced violently over a bump during the ride.

His sister Sharon said she had to jump into the water to save her stricken brother as there were no lifeguards around.

She said: ‘The holiday was intended to be a relaxing holiday for all the family. I never imagined things would turn out this way… Unfortunately, it turned out to be a vacation from hell.

Anthony Baker eats a meal at the hotel after dislocating his arm

Anthony Baker eats a meal at the hotel after dislocating his arm

Anthony and his cousin Corbin Baker (circled) on the slide

Anthony and his cousin Corbin Baker (circled) on the slide

Anthony and his cousin Corbin Baker (circled) on the slide

Anthony in hospital in Great Britain

Anthony in hospital in Great Britain

Anthony in hospital in Great Britain

“I’m so grateful my brother is alive.”

Speaking about the ‘horrific’ turn of events during their two-week stay, Sharon claims the pool was largely ‘unattended’ and they waited for two minutes before hotel staff arrived at the scene of her brother’s accident.

She said: ‘The staff always seemed so rushed.

“When it happened, I dropped everything and rushed to support my brother’s shoulder while other guests calmed Corbin down.”

The family extended their vacation by a week because of the time they lost while Anthony was in the hospital.

But while staying at the neighboring Jaz Makadi Saraya Hotel, Anthony and Corbin, 14, were struck by a serious stomach illness.

Anthony suffered from stomach cramps and severe diarrhea and had to be put on a drip. He was bedridden in his hotel room for six days.

Sharon, 51, said Anthony and Corbin became ill during a meal within hours of arriving at the Jaz Makadi Saraya Hotel.

She said: ‘Both Corbin and Anthony started feeling very unwell, with stomach cramps and diarrhoea.

‘Even then it was clear that Anthony was in bad shape. The doctor came and after some treatment he seemed to stabilize but was still visibly very ill.

“That was the end of the holiday from then on, it was just trying to get better to get on a flight home. “I’m still not entirely sure how Anthony managed to fly home because of his symptoms.”

Anthony and his cousin Corbin Baker

Anthony and his cousin Corbin Baker

Anthony and his cousin Corbin Baker

Anthony celebrates his birthday in hospital in Great Britain

Anthony celebrates his birthday in hospital in Great Britain

Anthony celebrates his birthday in hospital in Great Britain

On returning to Britain, Anthony collapsed at his home in Dorchester, Dorset, and was rushed to hospital.

It was determined that he had a stomach infection and internal bleeding, which required blood transfusions and antibiotics.

Sharon said: “Corbin managed to recover. But Anthony seemed to relapse and it was terrifying when he collapsed at home.

‘I remember seeing him lying on the floor, struggling to breathe and looking grey. The doctors gave Anthony an awful lot of blood, which later resulted in a blood clot.”

The family claims Anthony was given the wrong medication in Egypt, which resulted in the later bout of gastritis.

He spent a month in the hospital recovering.

The family is taking legal action against TUI over Anthony’s dislocated left shoulder and his illness.

They are seeking compensation after their ‘horrible experience’ during their holiday from April 17 to May 2 this year.

TUI has been approached for comment.