Brit slams anyone who chooses to move to Australia: ‘You’ll ruin your life’

Brit berates anyone choosing to move to Australia after several friends move: ‘You’re ruining your life’

  • Fred Asquith, from London, has had several friends move to Australia
  • The Briton is ‘fed up’ of losing his friends and criticized their decision

An English man has criticized all Brits who choose to uproot their lives and move to Australia for no good reason.

Fred Asquithfrom London, has had several friends who ‘abandoned’ him and moved around the world seemingly out of nowhere.

The comedian didn’t understand the hype – as he planned to move to Melbourne for a gap year, but ended up flying back to London within three months.

Fred claimed it was almost impossible to keep in touch with people who had moved abroad, saying his friends who now live in Australia are “irrelevant” to him.

“The world is big indeed, but it’s too big to move to the other side and expect me to reply to your ‘how’s your day’ messages from the future,” he said.

Fred Asquith, from London, has had several friends who ‘abandoned’ him and moved around the world seemingly out of the blue

Fred has echoed the same sentiments about romantic relationships - where previously a partner moved to Dubai without any warning

Fred has echoed the same sentiments about romantic relationships – where previously a partner moved to Dubai without any warning

The Brit placed one video to state its position on the situation.

“Why do people move to Australia and just ruin everything?” he asked.

“You can have a really good friend, and they’ll tell you they’re moving. You built a relationship here [in England] – and then suddenly they want to go to Australia.’

Fred has echoed the same sentiments about romantic relationships – where previously a partner moved to Dubai without any warning.

Another ‘confusing’ aspect was the lack of established roots that his friends Down Under had.

“They’ll tell you they don’t really know anyone there, will have to find a whole new job and a new life and a new home. And they also have to move all their stuff abroad, thousands of miles away – but they really “have to” do it for some reason.”

Fred wondered if his friends really “should” move and “break apart” the whole life they had built.

“F**king hell, I never see you,” he said in frustration.

Fred is never convinced by the empty promises to keep in touch despite the distance and the time difference.

“I don’t care that I can call you and you answer in a second, and we have perfectly synchronized audio.

“When you’re in Australia, you’re just not relevant to me anymore. It’s not happening. I’m not texting you about the new crime documentary on Netflix.

“I’m not going to text you about the Premier League because you’re probably watching the A-league or Aussie Rules,” he added.

An English man has criticized all other Britons who choose to uproot their lives and move to Australia for no good reason

Fred said it was impossible to keep in touch with people who had moved abroad, saying his friends who now live in Australia are 'irrelevant' to him

An English man has criticized all other Britons who choose to uproot their lives and move to Australia for no good reason

Many agreed with Fred’s plight and shared their own experiences moving around the world.

“Interest in Australia is my biggest dating app red flag,” said one woman.

“I had a friend who moved to Australia and I don’t know her anymore,” added a second.

“I know an absolutely unholy number of people in Australia,” said one man. “And no, we don’t speak anymore.”

“I moved to Australia and it’s not the utopia you think it is,” revealed another. “I hate it and moved back to England two years later.”