Brisbane home invasion: Mother carrying her three-year-old toddler unleashes a almighty scream to scare off axe-wielding thugs trying to break into her house

A brave mother has scared off a pair of armed thugs who tried to break into her home with a thunderous scream while holding her toddler.

The two men were seen on CCTV around midday on Tuesday walking to the back door of the house in Paddington, Brisbane, wearing balaclavas and wielding an ax and a crowbar.

The mother, who wished to remain anonymous, was inside at the time with her three-year-old daughter and her grandmother.

As the duo drew closer, she let out a guttural scream, “Go away! Get the fuck out now!’

Both men fled the house so frantically that one slipped on the stairs and was heard saying “what the hell?” in response to the mother’s screams.

A Brisbane mother has fended off two thugs who tried to break into her home by letting out a guttural scream while holding her three-year-old daughter

The would-be robbers (pictured) fled the house so frantically that someone slid up the stairs and was heard saying ‘what the hell?’ in response to the mother’s screams

The mother said she had never screamed like that before.

“You almost forget you have the toddler in your arms and you almost instinctively run towards them,” she said 9News.

While stopping them this time, the mother revealed that it was the fourth time in the past year that burglars tried to break into her house.

The duo were reportedly seen on a neighbour’s CCTV footage exploring the mother’s home, dressed as tradies and taking ‘extensive’ notes.

Despite the failed attempt at a burglary, police believe the pair robbed other homes in Paddington, Hamilton and Jindalee.

Police sources claim to know the group responsible, who were out on bail at the time of the incident.

“It’s really scary, you’re at home in your own place in broad daylight and all you want to do is protect your children,” the mother said.

“My voice is shaking now, it’s really scary.”

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