Bridesmaids Cause Anger On TikTok After Cutting Up Their Dresses – DURING Their Friend’s Wedding

Bridesmaids Cause Anger On TikTok After Cutting Up Their Dresses – DURING Their Friend’s Wedding

A video showing bridesmaids roughly adjusting their dresses during the wedding reception has sparked a debate on TikTok.

The clampshared by @emma.league, shows the maids taking a pair of scissors to the pink long dresses to shorten them significantly.

Since it was posted a few weeks ago, it has received some 12 million views and nearly 3,500 comments.

And commentators were divided between those outraged by the bold move, and those who thought the shorter dresses looked “cute.”

A number of viewers were concerned about whether the bride knew what the maids were doing, and whether she was okay with it.

This TikTok video of bridesmaids making major changes to their dresses during the wedding reception sparked a debate online

One of them wrote, “Show us the bride’s reaction, did she know and was she happy about it, I need to know.”

The video poster, Emma, ​​confirmed that the bride had been on board with the bold alterations.

Despite this, many people in the comment section were upset about the changes and felt the maids shouldn’t have brought scissors to the dresses.

One wrote: ‘What a ****** waste – at least cut them properly.’

Another agreed, adding, “End result. I’d be furious.’

And another commenter said, “I’d be so annoyed.”

For another, the move was seen as a waste. They said, ‘Why don’t we donate them? This is incredibly selfish.”

And another just said, “Tacky.”

While some were angry at the video and called the move “tasteless,” others thought shortening the dresses was a great idea

A number of commentators were angry at the changes, with one saying the maids were selfish, and another labeling them “tacky”

And another insulted the women in their comments, with some strong words of condemnation.

They wrote, “They were rather elegant. Looks like garbage now. Just like the “ladies”.’

Others, however, liked the idea and felt that the women got the most out of the dresses, which they would probably never wear again otherwise.

Despite the critics, many viewers thought changing the dresses was a great idea, noting that it was unlikely that the women would have worn long dresses again.

One of them said: ‘The literal version of ‘you can cut it short and wear it again!’.

Another added: ‘This is such a smart idea. No one ever wears their bridesmaid dress again anyway.

And a third said, “I mean, it’s not like you’re wearing them again.”

Meanwhile, a fourth suggested, “Those are beautiful dresses.” Now you can turn them into rompers for summer.”

And a fifth wrote: ‘I love this! I have so many bridesmaid dresses that are useless.”

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