Bride and groom leave guests fuming over ‘aggressive’ drink rule in wedding invitation

  • A couple will offer ‘drinks tickets’ at their wedding instead of an open bar
  • There are only two tickers per person and drinks must be consumed at the table
  • Bride abused by both sides of family and called ‘aggressively controlling’
  • READ MORE: Bridezilla’s Scandalous List of Wedding Requirements

A bride-to-be has sparked heated reactions from both sides of her family over controversial cards included with her wedding invitation.

Instead of the traditional open bar, the couple opted for a ‘drink ticket system’, where each adult guest received a ticket for just two drinks.

The menu also stated that drinks had to be ordered and consumed ‘from your seat at the assigned table’.

Guests are also prohibited from transferring unused drink vouchers to other guests at the wedding.

The wedding venue reassured the bride that these types of drinks tickets ‘happen all the time’ and the bride herself thought it was ‘not that big of a problem’, which made what followed even more shocking.

A bride-to-be has sparked heated reactions from both sides of her family over controversial cards included with her wedding invitation

The bride told Reddit that she was “called a lot of rude things” after family and friends received their cards.

One uncle even contacted her to let her know that she was acting like an asshole by trying to supervise drinks and “spoil the fun of a wedding reception.”

The so-called ‘bridezilla’ justified her actions by explaining: ‘I come from a heavily alcoholic family and I just don’t feel comfortable being around people who drink heavily.’

She thought the card letting guests know what to expect would just be interpreted as a “classy heads-up.”

Most Redditors agreed with the outraged wedding guests.

“Your ticket plan went from fairly new to aggressively controlling the more you explained it,” said one.

He joked: “Are you going to make Aunt Joan take a safety precaution when she steps out of her chair with a glass of chard in her hand?”

Another thought the ticketing system was ‘fair’.

“It keeps costs in check and keeps the liquor down a bit,” they said.

Many users suggested that the idea of ​​a dry wedding was a much better and less offensive solution to address the bride’s discomfort over drinking.

Instead of the traditional open bar, the couple opted for a 'drinks ticket system' where each adult guest received a ticket for just two drinks.

Instead of the traditional open bar, the couple opted for a ‘drinks ticket system’ where each adult guest received a ticket for just two drinks.

Most Redditors thought the two-drink ticket service was fine, but that the additional rules about where to order and drink went completely overboard.

“You’re playing police on how and where they drink, plus claiming the tickets are ‘non-transferable’ – that’s ridiculous,” said one.

“If 90-year-old Aunt Betty does NOT want to drink alcohol and is happy to give her cards to Uncle Joe, then why not?” reasoned another.

The idea of ​​overseeing drinks at the wedding led to a number of imaginative scenarios floating around in the comments.

“Nobody knew how spry grandma was until they had to tackle her around the knees,” one woman joked.

Another suggested the rule “could ruin the whole atmosphere of the event.”

‘I like to have a few drinks at a wedding. Especially if it’s a 5-6 hour event and there’s food, two drinks are nothing. Alcohol is a social lubricant and an aid to dancing,” he explained.

“Maybe I wouldn’t even go.”