A couple were left hungry and disappointed after being invited to a formal wedding, only to be sent to a DIY ramen bar for dinner.
The couple said they had to dress formally for the event and were given a choice between chicken and fish for dinner when making their reservation.
“We took care of every detail,” the disappointed couple wrote in a Reddit post.
When the reception arrived, they couldn’t believe it: instead of their fancy chicken meal, there was a self-service bar and instant ramen noodles.
“Just instant ramen, diced ham, a few small veggies here and there, and bags of chips for the kids. And to top it off, it was BYOB,” the shocked couple said.
The wedding guests had skipped dinner because they expected a feast at the reception, but instead they were hungry and had to buy their own fast food.
“I’ve been to a lot of weddings. I’m not a snob by any means. But this wedding is the most trashy one I’ve ever been to,” the woman said.
People were quick to condemn the bride and groom, especially because they were so stingy.
Wedding guests attending the formal event were shocked when they were offered instant ramen after the invitation asked them to choose between fish and chicken
“It sounds like the kind of wedding where you take your gift with you when you leave,” someone said.
It’s been said that a casual ramen bar might work for a modest wedding, but for a formal party the meal should fit the occasion.
“This whole thing makes me so sad and disappointed. There is no excuse to let your guests leave hungry! It doesn’t have to be five-star cuisine, but you set expectations when you ask for formal attire,” said one woman.
Others thought the bride and groom were just trying to score expensive gifts by inviting people to what they described as a very formal wedding and not feeding them properly.
“This sounds like a money grab. I’ve been to a wedding like this, unfortunately,” said one woman.
Some people thought that the only explanation for the behavior was that there was something wrong with the catering.
“I have to be convinced that the caterer had a disaster a few hours before the reception, otherwise I really can’t help the bride and groom,” one woman said.
But the couple insisted it was no mistake to serve the ramen to some of the guests.
It turned out that another group of guests from the inner circle were served a real wedding meal, while the rest had to make do with noodles.
People were furious that a certain group of guests were served better food than others.
“They had a class system at their wedding,” one woman said.
“Oh…what an ugly look, how rude,” said one man.
Some people took a more lighthearted view of the wedding invitation, which asked for a preference for chicken or fish, and then offered ramen.
“Chicken and fish are real ramen flavors,” one man said.
“They were just curious about what you liked and didn’t offer those options,” another man joked.
Others had some wise advice that they always heeded when attending a wedding.
“I always stop and get fast food before a wedding. You never know how long it will take to eat, or what they’re going to serve,” said one woman.
The discussion was reposted on wedding Facebook pages, where people were equally shocked.