Breakthrough in solid-state batteries could solve the biggest problem in this potentially world-changing technology

Researchers at Harvard have developed a new type solid state battery the use of solid electrodes and a solid electrolyte, as opposed to the use of liquid or polymer gel electrolytes in conventional lithium-ion or lithium polymer batteries that power most of our current devices.

Solid-state batteries face numerous challenges that hinder widespread adoption, such as flammability, limited voltage, poor performance, and structural weaknesses, which have hindered their progress in the past.

A recent breakthrough has led the team to develop a small, high-capacity battery the size of a postage stamp, which can withstand more than 6,000 charge and discharge cycles while retaining up to 80% of its capacity. It fully charges in just 10 minutes, outperforming the average smartphone, which typically lasts around 300 to 500 cycles.

The article doesn’t mention if or when these batteries might become available, but the technology has been licensed to Adden Energy, a Harvard spin-off company co-founded by an associate professor of materials science at SEAS. Xin Liand three Harvard alumni.

The days of lithium-ion technology are numbered

Solid-state batteries are not a new technology and were first developed in the 19th century. Even recent iterations pose dangers as they can easily short circuit or catch fire due to dendrite formation on the anode surface. Dendrites can grow like roots and eventually penetrate the barrier separating the anode and cathode, causing damage.

Dendrite formation occurs during charging as lithium ions migrate from the cathode to the anode and attach to the surface of the anode through a process known as plating. This plating acts like plaque, creating an uneven surface that can even crack the battery. During unloading, this coating must be removed, which leads to gaps and holes, increasing the likelihood of galvanization and increasing the risk of damage.

Previously, the team proposed a solution: designing a multi-layer battery with different materials between the anode and cathode. However, this approach only slows and limits lithium dendrite buildup and prevents penetration.

New research suggests a more effective method using micro-sized silicon particles to tackle the problem. Lisaid: “In our design, lithium metal wraps around the silicon particle, like a hard chocolate shell around a hazelnut core in a chocolate truffle.”

While this method has proven successful, the team is investigating the use of other materials, including silver, that could potentially provide similar performance and be easier or cheaper to mass produce.

The team has successfully scaled up the technology to produce a smartphone-sized pocket cell battery, which is still in development but could lead to incredible advances in wearable electronics.

Electric dreams

The progress the Harvard research team has made in advancing solid-state battery technology holds enormous promise for the future of energy storage.

The breakthroughs in addressing the long-standing challenges associated with these batteries could pave the way for more sustainable and efficient energy systems that could completely transform our phones, computers and even transportation, bringing safer, more powerful and sustainable energy closer would come with becoming. a reality.

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