Brazilian cops kill two drug traffickers after small plane landed on farm of singer Leonardo with 436 kilos of cocaine

  • A plane carrying 436 kilos of cocaine landed on a farm belonging to Brazilian singer Leonardo in the central state of Goiás on Friday
  • At least eleven drug traffickers arrived at the farm to refuel the plane and load the drugs into a pickup truck before they all fled
  • Two suspects in a pickup truck were chased by police and killed during a shootout

Brazilian police shot dead two drug traffickers shortly after a plane carrying almost half a ton of cocaine landed on a singer’s farm.

The small plane was flying from Bolivia on Friday when it illegally entered Brazilian airspace in the central state of Goiás, police said.

The pilot landed the plane on country singer Leonardo’s 2,471-acre property and told employees he was running low on fuel.

Concerned farm workers did not believe the pilot’s story and alerted Leonardo’s brother, Alessandro Costa, who called the police.

However, the drug traffickers fled before officers arrived, but not before making off with more than 400 kilos of cocaine. The police gave chase and shot two of the narcos dead during a shootout.

A small plane loaded with 436 kilos of cocaine was spotted flying over the central Brazilian city of Jussara on Friday, just before landing on singer Leonardo’s farm

Drug traffickers arrived on the scene to pick up 436 kilos of cocaine and began loading it into the back of a pickup truck, while others helped refuel the plane

Drug traffickers arrived on the scene to pick up 436 kilos of cocaine and began loading it into the back of a pickup truck, while others helped refuel the plane

Drug traffickers arrived on the scene after the plane landed to pick up 436 kilos of cocaine and load it into the back of a pickup truck, while others helped refuel the plane.

The farm’s manager closed the entrance gate to prevent the group from escaping, but they plowed over it and fled, Leonardo’s brother told Brazilian online news channel G1.

Police were able to track down the pickup on a stretch of highway BR-070 between the Goias towns of Jussara and Montes Claros de Goias, where one of the suspects opened fire on authorities.

Police returned fire and killed two suspects, identified as Valmir Quintino and Kathly Lucas, 48.

Brazilian singer Leonardo and his family were not at his 2,471-hectare farm in the central state of Goiás when a pilot landed a narco jet from Bolivia on Friday with 436 kilos of cocaine

Brazilian singer Leonardo and his family were not at his 2,471-hectare farm in the central state of Goiás when a pilot landed a narco jet from Bolivia on Friday with 436 kilos of cocaine

They were rushed to Jussara Municipal Hospital where they died of their injuries.

Major Marcos Hosokowa of the military police told G1 that Quintino and Lucas had each been convicted of drug trafficking and murder in the past.

The whereabouts of the small narcojet are unknown.

Leonardo and his wife Paulina were visiting São Paulo at the time of the incident. He is not involved in the incident.