Brawlmart! Chaos at the self-checkout as up to 25 customers start fighting


brawl! Chaos at the self-checkout as 25 customers begin to fight, throw poles and dust fire extinguishers that went off TWICE

  • Brawls took place shortly after a minor incident that was handled internally
  • Images show how people hit, kick and punch each other during the fights
  • Objects are thrown as bits break and there is yelling and swearing
  • No arrests were made and no injuries were reported after the altercation







Chaos broke out in the self-checkout area of ​​a Walmart in Ferguson on Tuesday night as up to 25 customers began fighting and firing fire extinguishers in a tumult that resigned twice.

The brawls took place shortly after a minor incident that was handled internally without calling the police.

Footage filmed at the supermarket chain at West Florissant Avenue and now viral shows huge numbers of people hitting, kicking and punching each other.

Objects are thrown as scraps break out and some of those involved hit each other with heavy-looking objects.

Yelling and swearing can be heard throughout the video as the violent brawl continues.

The clip ends with the groups of people running out of the store after the fighting has seemingly ended.

According to Ferguson police chief Frank McCall, between 10 and 25 people were involved in the brawl.

Speak with News 4McCall said: “I’ve seen some videos on social media and it’s outrageous. I’m going to call it what it is.’

No arrests were made in connection with the fighting and no one was injured.

People beat each other when the brutal fights broke out

Damage to the store is seen when people watch and a woman talks to someone who appears to be on the floor

Damage to the store is seen when people watch and a woman talks to someone who appears to be on the floor

Footage filmed at the supermarket chain off West Florissant Avenue that has now gone viral shows huge numbers of people beating, kicking and punching each other

Officers arrived at the store around 9 p.m. when the second incident broke out.

However, it was already quieter when they got there. Agents are inspecting CCTV from the store, supplied by Walmart.

McCall said some of those involved in the fighting have been identified by officers.

He said, “We also have Walmart as a victim, and I’m confident they will sue because they also have some property damage.”

Similar incidents have occurred at this Walmart before, prompting shoppers and residents to call for the supermarket to be closed.

Although the supermarket had hired its own security, it was not immediately clear whether they were present when the brawl took place, but it turned out that some cashiers were present.

You see people pushing each other as the fighting continued

You see people pushing each other as the fighting continued

A woman runs away in the midst of the chaos

A woman runs away in the midst of the chaos

Yelling and swearing can be heard throughout the video as the violent brawl continues. The clip ends with the groups of people running out of the store after the fighting has seemingly ended

McCall said he does not consider the event a public nuisance to those living in the area.

And he said the event could have taken place at any of the Walmart stores or other businesses in America.

He said it depends on all parties involved. McCall added that violence like this is seen in many businesses across America.

McCall added that police want to stop violence, as the footage shows.

He said that to stop incidents like the Walmart brawl, there must be accountability and visibility and security must be ready to contact the police if there is a problem.

Police are continuing the investigation into the incident.

A Walmart spokesperson said: “We are prioritizing the safety of our customers and employees at all times and will be working closely with local law enforcement to investigate what happened at our store Tuesday night.”