Brandon Sanderson surprises with a second TTRPG setting, Kickstarter goes brrrrr

The campaign for author Brandon Sanderson’s first tabletop role-playing game, titled The role-playing game Stormlightwent live on the morning of August 6th — but not in the way fans originally expected. Instead of a single TTRPG set in one of Sanderson’s fictional worlds, publisher Brotherwise Games is actually working on twoThe newly minted Cosmere Roleplay will feature content from both its Stormlight setting And its Mistborn setting, and loyal fans are showing up in droves to fund its development.

“Brotherwise Games and Dragonsteel are excited to announce that the Stormlight Roleplay is secretly the Cosmere Roleplay all along,” the companies said in a press release Tuesday. “This original system is designed to tell standalone stories in the Stormlight or Mistborn settings — or immersive Worldhopper campaigns that move between different worlds and realms!”

Like Sanderson’s previous campaign for four secret novels — a move that earned him nearly $42 million in 2022 — Cosmere RPG will have a phased release. Three books for the Stormlight setting are expected to ship in September 2025, while three Mistborn books should arrive in 2026. Pledges start at $60 for a digital portion of the entire package, while the more complete Game Master’s tier will set you back $295.

It’s a pretty steep price point for an RPG, especially on Kickstarter, but it doesn’t seem to have dampened the passion of the franchise’s most dedicated fans. At the time of writing the campaign has now raised over $1.5 million and is quickly becoming one of the largest crowdfunding initiatives this year.

For more information about what was The role-playing game Stormlight Read our exclusive interview with Sanderson — just part of our coverage of the Gen Con tabletop gaming convention.