Bradley Beal’s lawyer withdraws from $50K battery lawsuit as the Wizards guard is sued AGAIN

Bradly Beal has been sued for defamation by the Orlando Magic fan who filed a $50,000 battery lawsuit against the Washington Wizards guard earlier in April — and now the NBA star will seek new representation to defend his defense. to defend.

Kyler Briffa sued Beal last month for battery use, alleging that the wizard guard punched him during an altercation following a March match in Orlando.

Since then, Beal has publicly responded to the lawsuit, suggesting to reporters that Briffa had made comments about his “family,” “character,” and “integrity.”

In addition, Beal’s attorney Dan Morgan denounced the lawsuit, calling it “frivolous” and suggesting to TMZ that Briffa had directed “racial remarks” against his client.

Now, according to plaintiff’s attorney Edward Guerrette, Morgan has withdrawn from the civil battery case because Briffa has filed a libel lawsuit against Beal and the Wizards.

Bradley Beal (3) is being charged for his role in an alleged verbal & physical confrontation

Morgan did not immediately respond to’s request for comment.

According to Guerrette, the video of the incident proves that Briffa did not speak to Beal before he was hit by the Wizards star.

Briffa has maintained that Beal was targeting the wrong fan, and that it was actually another man who made the comment that led to the physical altercation.

According to both lawsuits, Briffa and a friend gained access to a team tunnel in Orlando while the Wizards made their way to the locker room after a loss to the Magic.

Briffa claims his friend made a comment to Beal about a bet he lost as a result of the come.

‘You screwed me [out of] $1,300, damn it,” the friend reportedly yelled.

According to the suit, Beal then turned, walked back toward the group, and slammed into the side of Briffa’s head, sending his hat flying back “5-6 feet behind him.”

After the altercation began, a Wizards associate broke the tiff and escorted Beal away.

Briffa says that Beal “tried to provoke a physical altercation” and that he suffered emotionally as well as pain and suffering.

Named parties to the lawsuit include Beal, who is charged with assault, as well as the Wizards organization, charged with negligence.

No criminal charges have been filed, although police have investigated the matter.

Beal acknowledged the incident at a press conference at the end of the season.

“I go to casinos, I gamble, I understand that,” Beal said, “but I also understand that the odds of me losing are probably 99 percent.

“I’m not here about to get mad at the dealer or mad at everyone… No one wants to lose money. I understand. If you’re talking about sports, I’m all for it.

“But I think it’s when people start getting personal, talking about your family, talking about your character, your integrity to the game. I think we can manage all of that. We can really keep those comments to ourselves.’

Morgan subsequently released a statement criticizing the lawsuit, calling it “frivolous lawsuits.”

The Wizards star reportedly hit someone’s hat after being harassed in the tunnel

“No charges have been filed and he is now trying to change the story,” Morgan said. “We’ll make sure the standard is clear — you can’t harass people, racially abuse them, talk about their family, insult their character…

“This is America,” he added, “we believe in justice here.”

According to Guerrette’s statement, both Beal and Morgan were given the opportunity to retract their statements, but they declined.

As a result, Mr. Beal and his attorney were legally notified last week of our client’s defamation claim, giving both the opportunity to retract their false statements and apologize to Mr. Briffa. Guerrette’s statement. “No retraction or apology has been made, even though those false statements were detrimental to Mr. Briffa’s reputation. Beal’s attorney, Dan Morgan of Morgan & Morgan, has since said he is no longer representing Mr. Beal.”

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