Boy teased for ‘looking like a girl’ gets his first ever haircut at age 6 after his mother lets him choose when he wants it cut

A six-year-old boy goes to the hairdresser for the first time ever to have his 90 centimeter long hair cut, after never having had a haircut before.

Jimmy Samuel, from Kent, grew his hair to almost ground length during his lifetime after his parents gave him the choice to cut it on his hands.

Jimmy’s mother, Charlotte, 39, shared the bittersweet moment her son said goodbye to his Rapunzel hairstyle.

She said: ‘Jimmy has always had nice hair but after people kept telling him he was a girl he wanted to cut it. I didn’t want that day to come! Long hair isn’t just for girls.’

Jimmy was born with a full head of long and curly blonde hair. Charlotte fell in love with his luscious locks, so she made the decision to let it grow until he decided he wanted to get it cut.

Jimmy Samuel, from Kent, has visited the hairdresser for the first time ever to have his whopping 3ft long hair cut

When Jimmy was younger, he would say “no” every time his mother asked if he was ready for a trip to the hairdresser.

Finally, at the age of six, he asked to go to the hairdresser for a shorter haircut so he could fit in better at school.

After getting the chop, he donated his hair to the Little Princess Trust, which makes wigs for children who have lost their hair.

Charlotte said: ‘He did get some negative comments, with people telling him he needed a haircut and comments saying he looked like a girl.

“A lot of people on the street and kids were making fun of him, so enough was enough.

‘His hair was so beautiful when he was born, we didn’t want to cut it, it was completely up to him when to do it.

Jimmy’s mother, Charlotte, said she was so emotional she couldn’t watch her son’s hair being cut

Jimmy decided to cut his long locks after receiving some negative comments from people telling him he needed a haircut

Charlotte, Jimmy’s mother, said he didn’t care and said no every time his mother asked if he was ready for a haircut (Jimmy photo before haircut)

Finally, at the age of six, he asked to go to the hairdresser for a shorter haircut so he could fit in better at school.

After getting the chop, he donated his hair to the Little Princess Trust, which makes wigs for those who have lost their hair

Jimmy’s hair is ready to be donated to the Little Princess Trust to be made into a wig

Jimmy had beautiful blonde curly locks from a very young age and he never wanted to have them cut

His hair was so beautiful when he was born, his mother wouldn’t cut it, it was up to Jimmy when to do it

After getting the chop, he donated his hair to the Little Princess Trust, which makes wigs for those who have lost their hair

“I was so emotional, Jimmy’s hair has been with him since he was born and he’s so famous for his hair.

“I think it will take some time to get used to not cleaning and playing with it. When we go shopping, I still pay attention to his long hair.

‘I couldn’t see how he did it! I had to stand outside and get his older brother to bring him inside.

“Washing the hair has been a lot faster since then, it took forever when he had long hair!”

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