Seven out of ten bosses admit they are more likely to promote staff who are in the office every day rather than those who perform better

New figures show that seven in ten bosses are more likely to promote people who are in the office every day.

Research has shown that 68 percent of companies promote employees based on their physical presence in the workplace, rather than on how well they do their job.

Bosses from both the public and private sectors and from small to large organizations all said physical presence was key to securing promotion.

But almost three-quarters of employees, 73 percent, say they perform better if they are allowed to work both from home and at the office – so-called hybrid working.

Recruitment specialist Robert Half asked 500 British bosses whether being physically present in the office significantly improved career prospects, and asked 1,000 British employees whether they worked better from home or in the office.

According to new figures, seven in ten bosses are more likely to promote people who are in the office every day (stock photo)

Chris Lawton, the company’s UK and Ireland vice-president for permanent placements, said bosses prefer to promote based on who they see in the office, despite risking losing their best staff as a result.

He said: ‘Employers are clearly placing increasing value on the physical presence of staff in the office, our data shows

that career progression could be hindered for those who wish to proceed with a hybrid format.

‘But we cannot overlook the fact that power is still largely in the hands of the working population.

‘There are a lot of skills shortages and if employees feel like they can’t progress because they’re not in the office every day, they’ll just move on.

“And more often than not, it will be the best performers or the most in-demand professionals who will get to work first.

Research has found that 68 percent of companies promote employees based on their physical presence in the workplace, rather than on how well they do their job (stock photo)

‘Employers and employees seem to disagree about what an optimal design looks like.’

Employees in marketing and creative industries are the most likely to be promoted if they show up, with 71 percent of bosses saying attendance matters.

A further 70 per cent of bosses said the same of administrative and customer support staff, followed by 67 per cent of those in financial services, 66 per cent in technology and IT and 64 per cent in public sector and accounting.

Smaller and mid-sized companies are more likely to promote people because they are present; 70 percent of bosses at companies with fewer than 250 people say it’s important to be in the office, while another 70 percent of bosses at companies with between 50 and 250 people say the same.

Another 68 percent of bosses at companies with 250 to 500 employees echoed this view, followed by 64 percent of companies with more than 500 employees.

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