My boss is telling me I am required to report to him how many times I use the restroom in a day

  • A 7-Eleven employee claimed in a post on Reddit that he has to tell his boss how often he goes to the bathroom
  • His boss told him via text message on February 15 that he needed a doctor’s note
  • The worker drinks ‘2 large sips’ of water during most of his shifts

A man who has trouble keeping his fluids down posted on Reddit on February 15 describing the need for toilets at his workplace.

The original poster (OP), who works at 7-Eleven, received a text from his boss yesterday telling him to “provide a doctor’s note” for his bladder problems.

The young 7-Eleven worker claimed he has no bladder problems, despite going to the bathroom more than once while at work.

His boss later told him he needed a doctor’s note because he went to the bathroom too many times during his three-hour shifts.

The OP admitted in his post that he drinks two big drinks of water “just about every time he works at the store.”

A man who has trouble keeping his fluids down made a Reddit post on February 15 describing the restroom requirements at his workplace

The OP admitted in his post that he drinks two big drinks of water “just about every time he works at the store”

According to the OP, the amount of water he drinks causes him to go to the bathroom “about 1-4 times per shift.”

His boss texted him again that day and asked the employee how many times he went to the bathroom that day.

The employee wrote in the post on Reddit that he was responding to his boss’s message and wrote that he went to the bathroom twice during his shift yesterday.

“I asked if I should release that information to him and he said I was obliged due to the fact that it is a paid restroom break and that I confirmed I have no medical issues,” the employee wrote.

“I’m just curious if this is true and wondering how to handle the situation from this point.”

Nearly 700 Reddit users have voiced their opinions on what he should do, and some of their ideas involve the OP’s feces.

Reddit users have suggested that the 7-Eleven employee would make bathroom charts and take photos of his feces after using the restroom

Several Reddit users have suggested in the comments section that the employee starts a log or spreadsheet.

“Start a log chart ad, report to him daily,” one user wrote.

“Make sure you include the size of the log you pushed out, and its color and smell.”

Other users have suggested that the 7-Eleven worker “take photos” after going to the bathroom during his shifts.

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