Blumhouse Games is showing off six horror titles at Summer Game Fest

Blumhouse Productions is the studio behind many modern horror films Paranormal activity And The robbery Unpleasant Out And Five nights at Freddy’s. Now the company is expanding to include Blumhouse Games, a game publishing company. Jason Blum, founder of Blumhouse, was at Summer Game Fest on Friday to announce a series of six horror games that will be released under Blumhouse. These games were chosen because they are strange, experimental and deeply weird, covering a range of art styles, genres and methods of presentation.

The six games revealed in the Summer Game Fest trailer include:

Crisol: Theater of Idols by Vemila: A first-person adventure set on the unholy island of Tormentosa, where protagonist Gabriel must use his bloodthirsty powers to explore and survive.

Serious seasons from Perfect Garbage: A Stardew Valley-style farming sim that’s perfect for casual gaming… as long as you’re willing to put up with the occasional murder and slow-burn mystery.

Sleep awake from Ogen: A surreal first-person game set in the distant future, it follows a girl named Katja as she battles dangerous enemies and herself.

Fear the spotlight from Cozy Game Pals: An old-school survival horror game heavily inspired by the PlayStation 1 era, in which the main character must solve the mystery of her local high school while avoiding the searing rush of the deadly spotlight.

The simulation from PlayMeStudio: a surreal adventure where a game developer is called in to advise on a criminal case, and the central mystery can only be solved through a horror game prototype.

Project C from Half Mermaid: This mysterious project is led by Sam Barlow (Her story, Immortality) and Brandon Cronenberg (Infinity pool).

Blumhouse will share more information about its launch titles in the future, but it’s encouraging to see investment in weird little horror games. Titles like Buckshot roulette And Arctic eggs have proven that there is a lot of interest in these strange, nerve-wracking experiences, and I can’t wait to solve the horrifying mysteries at the heart of each of these games.

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