BLIND DATE: She ‘didn’t leave the date feeling good about herself’. Read on to find out what he did wrong…

Every week FEMAIL asks two singles to report on their blind date.

This time it’s the turn of Miriam, a 38-year-old PHD student, and NHS administrator Chris, 42.

Read on to find out exactly why Cupid’s arrow didn’t hit…

Miriam, 38


Single for nine months, never married and no children.


PhD student in electrical engineering.


Someone friendly and supportive, family oriented, who is open to trying new things. A big no to smokers.

PhD student Miriam, 38, felt Chris ‘undermined my intellectual performance’

Dating history

My most recent relationships were both long-term: one for more than six years and the other for five. With my last partner I did a lot of the heavy lifting. Men now seem to be looking for adoption more than a partner.

Pre-date nerves?

Yes, I’m a bit shy and met someone who sounded way cooler than me on his profile. He’s in a band. Mom wanted to go through her dresses. She is 74, but looks young for her age and buys nice clothes, while I usually go to thrift stores. For once I wore one of my own dresses.

First impression?

Chris was wearing a red shirt and I noticed he had done his best. I didn’t immediately find him attractive. We did that awkward British thing of not knowing whether to shake hands or hug so we bumped into each other. Chris said he signed up for a blind date ‘because why not’, which didn’t make me feel so special.

Easy to talk to?

I told Chris my PhD was in AI and he replied, “Oh, that’s current, isn’t it?” Um – yes. I had already told him that I was doing a PhD, but he ‘forgot’ it and called it a master’s. He also referred to the fact that I ‘learn’ Welsh rather than ‘speak’ it. I felt like he was undermining my intellectual achievements, which I didn’t like. I was surprised that he had also started a master’s degree in Psychotherapy, because he is not very self-aware. It made sense when he admitted he didn’t complete the course.

Embarrassing moments?

I don’t think so, which is a good thing because I’m normally clumsy.

Did sparks fly?

No, when I like someone I get nervous and giggly, and with Chris there was no chance of that. There was no flirting on either side.

1713966467 403 BLIND DATE She didnt leave the date feeling good about

“There was no flirting on either side,” Miriam said

Will you see him again?

No, we were together for two hours and we left when I said I had to catch the train back to Wales. We didn’t exchange numbers.

What do you think he thought of you?

Chris had no contact with me at all, so I didn’t leave the date feeling good about myself.

Would your parents like him?

No, I do not think so. My parents want to see me with someone who supports my goals.


LIKED IT? We shared food.

REGRET? No, it’s okay to step outside my comfort zone.

COFFEE OR taxi? Cab.

Chris, 42

Single for five years, divorced, no children.


NHS administrator.


Someone who is curious about the world, positive, outgoing and quick to laugh. I can’t do those materialistic types.

Chris says of his date: 'Although it felt like we were on the same page, there was no physical attraction'

Chris says of his date: ‘Although it felt like we were on the same page, there was no physical attraction’

Dating history

I divorced my wife of four years a little over ten years ago. Since then I’ve been involved in a few shorter relationships, but nothing lately. I am the youngest of three boys and I am now single. I feel like settling down.

Pre-date nerves?

A little, but nothing to worry about. I know I have good people skills.

First impression?

Positive – I got a good friendly atmosphere from Miriam. She has dark hair and is quite slim. I found her attractive, although there was no immediate ‘electricity’. I gave her a hug and pulled out her chair so she could sit down. She struck me as a very engaging woman.

Easy to talk to?

“I'm the youngest of three boys and I'm single now,” says Chris.  'I feel like settling down'

“I’m the youngest of three boys and I’m single now,” says Chris. ‘I feel like settling down’

The small talk was unusual. We talked about Miriam learning the Welsh language, which I found fascinating. I was also impressed by her studies. I think it has something to do with AI? It’s beyond my level of understanding. In between all those years of studying with her nose in a book, she lived in Mexico. Miriam asked me about my band and I explained that I play keyboard and sing background vocals.

Embarrassing moments?

No. Miriam sometimes dropped her cutlery, but that was not embarrassing.

Have sparks flown?

I would say no, not in the romance sense. Although it felt like we were on the same page, there was no physical attraction. Afterwards I realized that I should have complimented her on her appearance. But I didn’t, and I attributed that to Miriam being so talkative.

Will you see her again?

No, you need a spark. If there had been clear signs that she liked me then I might have pursued things, but there weren’t. We didn’t exchange numbers and just had a friendly hug.

What do you think she thought of you?

I suspect she would say I was easy to talk to because we spent two hours together and the conversation never stopped.

Would your friends like her?

Yes, Miriam is very grounded with her head screwed on. She also has good values.


LIKED IT? Mirjam is talkative.

REGRET? Not really no.

COFFEE OR taxi? Coffee.