Bizarre gumshield-like device lets you control computers using your TONGUE – and it even works on sex toys

From chewing and swallowing food to speaking, our tongue is essential for a range of important functions.

Now you can use your tongue for a new function: controlling computers.

A bizarre gum-like device was unveiled at the CES technology conference in Las Vegas, allowing you to control devices purely through the movement of your tongue.

While this includes basic computers, Augmental, the company behind it, has already synced the device with a sex toy.

Krystina Jackson, a self-described “sex lover” who has used the device with her vibrator, said: “Oh my god, this is how it should be. With this new device everything will accelerate.’

A bizarre gum-like device has been unveiled at the CES technology conference in Las Vegas that allows you to control devices purely through the movement of your tongue

Krystina Jackson, a self-described “sex lover” who has used the device with her vibrator, said: “Oh my god, this is how it should be. With this new device everything will be stepped up’

The MouthPad device was first unveiled last year, but was showcased at CES this week.

The device resembles a holder and is worn in the mouth and can be synced via Bluetooth with a range of devices including computers, smartphones and sex toys.

Once a device is connected, you can operate it with your tongue.

The MouthPad converts tongue position and pressure into cursor actions, processing signals through a machine learning algorithm in the processor.

The commands are sent to the connected device via Bluetooth and translated into cursor movements and clicks.

In a new video posted to his X account (formerly Twitter), an Augmental employee can be seen navigating Google Maps on his phone, using only subtle tongue movements.

The device resembles a holder and is worn in the mouth and can be synced via Bluetooth with a range of devices including computers, smartphones and sex toys

The device converts tongue position and pressure into cursor actions, processing signals through a machine learning algorithm in the processor

“We’re not just reinventing the computer mouse, we’re reframing the human experience,” Augmental says.

“From gamers performing multi-dimensional moves to artists creating digital masterpieces, the potential is limitless.”

Although the MouthPad was originally designed for people with quadriplegia and limited hand control, Augmental says its “reach extends beyond these cases.”

“The goal is to scale the MouthPad to be used by the widest possible audience, allowing people to perform everyday tasks hands-free and enjoy digital control with greater ease and independence,” the report said.

Although the device currently has a waiting list, Krystina Jackson, Ms. Wheelchair California, was one of the first testers and described the device as “very easy to use.”

“I’m a sex lover,” she said. ‘So I was very interested in how Augmental would use the MouthPad to connect to my vibrator.

‘And with this new device everything is being accelerated. Ultimately, everyone will use it.’

Pricing remains unclear, although MailOnline has contacted Augmental for clarification.

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