Bing and ChatGPT might be the future of search, even if Google doesn’t believe it


Welcome to the AI ​​Wars. Not the kind we imagined where Skynet launched a surprise missile strike on its creators, but one where companies all compete to be the dominant source of your artificial intelligence connection. To put this powerful technology within reach of you and everyone else. And at the tip of this spear, somewhat unexpectedly, are Microsoft and Bing.

However, here’s the crazy thing. Having seen and tried out Microsoft’s new Bing search engine and its powerful chatbot, which Microsoft unveiled Tuesday at an event in Redmond, Washington, I think Microsoft has just won the first skirmish of this crucial battle for tech dominance. This could hardly be Bing’s moment. And by “moment” I mean when you finally start to realize or care that Microsoft has had its own search engine for over a decade.