Sir Richard Branson hits back at 'baseless and unsubstantiated' claims by Jeffrey Epstein 'victim' shown in sex tapes made by the pervert: Virgin billionaire allegedly filmed traveling to 'pedo island' with Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton

Sir Richard Branson has hit back at “baseless and baseless” claims that he was secretly recorded having sex by pedophile financier Jeffrey Epstein.

The billionaire Virgin founder, along with Prince Andrew and ex-President Bill Clinton, were reportedly among wealthy friends who secretly filmed the financier having sex with young women, according to Sarah Ransome, one of his “sex slaves.”

A letter from Ms Ransome said: 'When my friend had sexual intercourse with Clinton, Prince Andrew and Richard Branson, sex tapes were in fact filmed by Jeffrey on every single occasion.

'I can personally confirm that I have seen with my own eyes the evidence of these sexual acts, which clearly shows that they had sexual intercourse with my friend. I am more than willing to swear under oath and testify in court.”

Her letter – in which she also talks about the “many girls” Donald Trump had sex with – is part of the latest batch of court documents to be made public in New York.

The claim about the sex tapes was described by the Virgin mogul's spokesperson as 'baseless and unsubstantiated'.

Virgin pointed to a 2019 article in the New Yorker magazine that said Miss Ransome “invented the tapes to draw attention to Epstein's behavior and make him believe she had evidence that would come out if he told me would do harm'.

The claim about the sex tapes was made in a letter she sent to a journalist in 2016 talking about her experiences. The same letter was later used by Epstein's attorney Alan Dershowitz to argue that Ms. Ransome “manifestly lacks credibility.”

Sir Richard Branson (pictured) has hit back at 'baseless and baseless' claims he was secretly recorded having sex by pedophile financier Jeffrey Epstein

Sarah Ransome (pictured) appeared to write messages claiming Branson had been filmed by Epstein

Miss Ransome, 38, whose father is Lord Macpherson, the second Baron of Drumochter, has previously told how she was raped up to three times a day by Epstein after being tricked into his sordid web of abuse by Ghislane Maxwell when she was 22. year-old wannabe model.

Miss Ransome was one of 11 women allowed to give statements at Miss Maxwell's sentencing hearing in New York in 2022 about how the British socialite had destroyed their lives.

But this is the first time her claims about Epstein sex recordings of Andrew, Sir Richard and former US President Clinton have been detailed in court documents.

A US judge has ordered hundreds of documents unsealed as part of Virginia Giuffre's previously settled civil claim against Maxwell, filed in 2015.

In the document released as part of another tranche published on Monday, Ms Ransome wrote: 'When my friend had sexual intercourse with Clinton, Prince Andrew and Richard Branson, sex tapes were in fact filmed by Jeffrey on every single occasion.

'Thank God she managed to obtain some images of the filmed sex tapes, which clearly show the faces of Clinton, Prince Andrew and Branson who had sexual intercourse with her.

'Frustratingly, Epstein wasn't in any of the footage, but that's how smart he was!

'When my friend finally had the courage to speak out and went to the police to report what happened to Epstein in 2008, nothing was done and she was completely humiliated by the police station she went to to report what happened to Epstein , Clinton, Branson had happened. and Prince Andrew.”

She claimed: 'I backed up the footage to several USB drives and sent them securely to various locations in Europe.'

The sex tape theory has long circulated around the Epstein case. Two of his victims, Maria Farmer and Virginia Roberts Giuffre, claim they saw a room full of CCTV monitors in Epstein's $65 million mansion in New York, including some with cameras in the toilets.

When police raided the mansion in 2019, they found dozens of girls' tapes in a twisted library that the disgraced financier kept.

And Maxwell himself appeared to have admitted the tapes existed after being tricked by a journalist from the TV show 60 Minutes into telling him: “I don't know where they are.”

But if the FBI has sex tapes of famous people, they have never come out publicly.

No such tapes were even referred to in the trial of Miss Maxwell, let alone presented in evidence. Maxwell, 60, was jailed for 20 years for running a sex trafficking ring and molesting schoolgirls with Epstein.

It was previously reported that Branson had breakfast with Epstein just three years after the pedophile was jailed for child prostitution, court documents show.

In 2019, a spokeswoman for the billionaire Virgin founder said the two men had “no personal or business relationship.”

But a legal document revealed that Epstein emailed his private banker Jes Staley and former Labor Secretary Peter Mandelson in 2011 to tell them about his alleged meeting with Branson.

The document states: 'On January 7, 2011, Epstein writes to Peter Mandelson (copying Staley) 'had breakfast with Richard Branson, he is also a big fan of Africa'.

Epstein was a convicted sex offender at the time of the alleged encounter. In June 2008, he pleaded guilty to inciting an underage girl to engage in prostitution and was sentenced to 18 months in prison.

Jeffrey Epstein (right) pictured with British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell (left)

Speaking on behalf of Branson, a Virgin Group spokeswoman said: 'We can confirm that Sarah Ransome's claims are baseless and without merit'

Epstein had a “little black book” containing the names of 301 of Britain's richest and most powerful people, including Branson and Prince Andrew, it was claimed in 2019.

The pedophile managed an extraordinary cache of more than 1,000 telephone numbers and email addresses of hundreds of famous names on the other side of the Atlantic.

A spokesperson for Branson previously said: “Jeffrey Epstein has the island next to Necker, but Richard literally only met him once for about five minutes. That's the extent of it.'

A friend of Epstein claimed that Branson and Bill Gates would appear alongside the pedophile in a 2014 panel on the origins of money, it was reported in 2019.

Lawrence Krauss revealed this news in an email to Jim Simons in 2013, asking the famed mathematician if he might be interested in serving on the same panel.

Krauss wrote to Simmons that Epstein coordinated the panel on the origins of money, saying “right now he has Bill Gates, Richard Branson and Larry Summers on board.”

He concluded by saying, “Jeffrey… would very much like to meet with you to discuss his ideas for the workshop.”

Simons ultimately declined the invitation and the panel was ultimately canceled, as previously reported by Buzzfeed News.

A spokesperson for Branson previously said: “Richard Branson was not invited to attend this event; he has never agreed to appear on a panel and any suggestion of an association with Jeffrey Epstein is misleading and inaccurate.”

In 2017, Miss Ransome's letter bomb was given to the court by Mr Dershowitz's own lawyer, who used it to quote other passages that “fatally undermine Miss Ransome's credibility”.

He said she claimed, among other things, that the CIA had hacked her and “I asked the Russians for help,” adding, “Thank God for Anonymous!” in a reference to the hacking group.

She wrote how her friend had been approached “by Special Agents Forces Men sent directly by Hilary” Clinton.

President Clinton's office has previously said he knew “nothing about Epstein's terrible crimes,” while Prince Andrew has repeatedly denied all claims about him.

The allegations against Branson mark the first time someone has claimed he had sex with one of Epstein's victims, and last night a spokesperson for the Virgin Group said: 'In a New Yorker report published in 2019, Ransome admitted that she had 'invented' tires. . We can confirm that Sarah Ransome's claims are baseless and without merit.”

Clinton, Trump and Branson deny any knowledge of Epstein's criminality.

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