Bill Maher warns pro-Palestinians that Israel is going NOWHERE and highlights how Jews were ‘kicked out of every Arab county they once lived in’

Bill Maher denounced pro-Palestinian extremists who peddled the “myth” that Israel could be wiped out in the war with Hamas, arguing that “things change” over history.

Chants of “from the river to the sea” have been heard in protests across the West after the conflict erupted on October 7, with many seeing it as a call to completely eradicate the nation of Israel.

But Maher, 67, who is Jewish but identifies as an atheist, said the chant ignores “reality,” and suggested Palestinians would “come to a solution” to end the decades-long crisis in the Middle East -East, as other societies have done over time. history.

He began by citing that Bethlehem, the birthplace of Christianity, was “86 percent Christian” in 1950 but is now “overwhelmingly Muslim.”

“That's my point tonight: Things are changing.”

Bill Maher, 67, slammed the pro-Palestinian movement for the 'myth' that Israel could be wiped out in war with Hamas

'For 2.3 billion Christians, there is no holier place than where their savior was born, but they no longer have that. And yet no Crusader army has prepared to take it back,” Maher continued.

'Things change: countries, borders, empires.'

Maher suggested that Palestine, where more than 19,000 have been killed since Israel launched retaliatory sieges in response to Hamas' attack on October 7, has been hit by dramatic geopolitical swings in the past.

“Palestine was under the Ottoman Empire for 400 years,” he said. “But nowadays an Ottoman is something you put under your feet.”

Feeling that “eventually everyone comes to shelter except the Palestinians,” Maher said the hostile scenes and fervent anti-Semitism in pro-Palestine were unnecessary as the country's situation is “not rare.”

'Was it unfair that even a single Arab family was forced to move after the establishment of the Jewish state? Yes, but it's not rare either,” he said. 'Happens throughout history all over the world. And what people mainly do is make the best of it.'

He noted that after World War II, twelve million Germans had been expelled from Russia, Poland, and Czechoslovakia “because Germany had become quite unpopular.”

Maher also cited a million Greeks expelled from Turkey in 1923, a million Ghanaians from Nigeria in 1983, nearly a million French from Algeria in 1962, and nearly a million Syrian refugees who moved to Germany eight years ago. fit?'

Maher's opposition to the “from the river to the sea” chant comes as its use in protests has sparked an increasing backlash, with Palestinian supporter and democracy commentator Cenk Uygur recently deeming it “counterproductive” for the movement.

Maher argued that the Jewish population has been the most oppressed group in Arab countries in recent history, and used a graph showing population decline, while making the point that “no one knows more about being expelled from land than the Jews.'

Maher used a graph showing the dramatic decline in the Jewish population of Arab countries to argue that

Maher used a graph showing the dramatic decline in the Jewish population of Arab countries to argue that “no one knows more about being expelled from land than the Jews.”

The comedian said hostile movements in the West are being fueled by 'useful idiots' as he criticized 'TikTok fans' for a lack of information

The comedian said hostile movements in the West are being fueled by 'useful idiots' as he criticized 'TikTok fans' for a lack of information

The HBO host made it clear that “history is cruel and people are not good people,” adding, “Yes, TikTok fans, ethnic cleansing happened both ways.”

“History is sad and full of mistakes, but you can't let them happen because a paraglider is not a time machine,” he continued.

'People are moving, and yes, colonized. No one was a greater colonizer than the Muslim army that left the Arabian desert and took over much of the world in one century. And they didn't do that by asking.'

“There's a reason why the flag of Saudi Arabia is a sword. Kosovo was the cradle of Christian Serbia, after which it became Muslim. They had a war about it in the 1990s, but stopped. They didn't last 75 years.'

Maher emphasized that struggling societies throughout history have “managed to cope,” and drew the comparison to the Jewish family in “Fiddler on the Roof,” who repeatedly fled the pogroms.

Protests across the West were filled with demonstrators demanding that Israel and Hamas agree to an urgent ceasefire.

But Maher appeared to lay the blame for the decades-long Middle East crisis on Palestine and its leaders for rejecting peace deals with Israel, while also taking a shot at embattled university presidents.

“The Palestinian people should know your leaders and the useful idiots on college campuses who are their allies are doing no favors by keeping the 'river to the sea' myth alive,” he said.

“I mean, where do you think Israel is going? Spoiler alert: nowhere.

“It is one of the most powerful countries in the world, with a $500 billion economy, the second largest technology sector in the world after Silicon Valley and nuclear weapons. They're there, they like their bagel with a dash, it takes some getting used to.”

He concluded that all “war ends through negotiations,” and said the conflict will not end as long as Palestine takes the position “you will die and disappear.”

“What is happening to Palestinians today is terrible. And not just in Gaza, also in the West Bank,” he added.

The comedian took out a card to make his final point on the chant 'from the river to the sea', pointing from both sides: 'here is the river, here is the sea'.

“Oh, I understand. It means you get everything. Not just the West Bank, which was actually the original UN Partition Agreement that you rejected because you wanted it all and have always wanted it, even though it is also undeniably the ancestral homeland of the Jews.

“So you attacked and lost. And attacked again and lost. And attacked again and lost.'

Maher indicated that Palestine could go the same way as Mexico, which previously had a border up to the top of California, until it “got real” and “chose a different path,” to now possess the 14th largest economy in the world .

“If I give you the benefit of the doubt and say that your plan for a completely Jewish-free Palestine does not require all Jews to die, what is the only other option? They move. You're moving all the Jews.

“Where are we going with this whole country, Texas? Sure, they have room. I think we can put the Wailing Wall on the border and kill two birds with one stone. Or we can just get serious.”