Bill Maher demands Joe Biden bow out of the 2024 presidential race because ‘voters think he’s too old’ – and says while Trump is a similar age he’s seen differently because he’s ‘a ball of white hot anger’

American comedian and television personality Bill Maher emphasized in his show on Friday that President Joe Biden is able to do his job despite his old age, but should still drop out of the presidential race.

Maher, 67, host of HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, also went further, saying Biden is the “only Democrat who can lose to Trump.”

He labeled the former president a “crazy ball of white-hot rage” who is perceived differently than Biden, even with their four-year age difference.

“Someone has to convince President Biden that if he returns to power, he will hand the country back over to Trump and go down in history as Ruth Bader Biden, the person who doesn’t know when to quit and all that. is causing great damage to their party and their country,” Maher said as he opened his show.

Former President Donald Trump is also running for president in 2024 after losing to Biden in 2020

President Biden, 80, has made “generally good” decisions, according to Maher, but he also thinks that Donald Trump, 77, will still manage to beat Biden in 2024 “because he is always a ball of white-hot rage.”

On Friday's episode of Real Time with Bill Maher, Maher addressed President Biden's age and compared him to the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, who

On Friday’s episode of Real Time with Bill Maher, Maher addressed President Biden’s age and compared him to the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, who “doesn’t know when to step down and that does great damage to their party and their country’

Maher, a liberal known for his dry, satirical comedy, is no stranger to American politics.  He has invited many big names to his show, where they sit down to discuss current events

Maher, a liberal known for his dry, satirical comedy, is no stranger to American politics. He has invited many big names to his show, where they sit down to discuss current events

Continuing, Maher said, “For those who say he beat Trump once, he will do it again. I say things change. They always do that. The parade continues. 2024 is not 2020 in so many important ways, including, yes, Biden is four years older.

“You can be a national treasure and still be too old for the job. When I’m on a plane and the pilot says, “This is your captain, Buzz Aldrin.” I’m getting out.’

Maher, a liberal known for his dry, satirical comedy, is no stranger to American politics. He has invited many big names to his show, where they sit down to discuss current events.

“All of us, like Joe Biden, have been struggling lately with the political situation in the Democratic Party, a sitting president whom we admire and who acquitted himself well in the first term, but who even has members of his own party don’t want to see candidates put forward. one second.

‘Despite a moving letter of recommendation from Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis. I’m kidding. They shouldn’t have gotten any shit for that,” Maher said.

Returning to the topic, Maher continued, saying, “If you ask me, do I think Joe Biden can do the job of president? My answer is an unequivocal yes. He can do the job. Do I like everything? No. But that’s every president. But government work is done in small, quiet rooms like the Oval Office.”

He then touched on Biden’s “generally good decisions,” such as getting the U.S. out of Afghanistan, the way he handled Ukraine, keeping the economy going, and more.

The TV host then made it clear that he thinks this is all Biden is capable of, just in one term, not two.

‘Cause while he can do the work, he can’t run from it. Our campaign season is long and it’s going to be frigid in New Hampshire,” Maher said.

In addition to naming Trump and Biden, he also ridiculed other political figures such as 81-year-old Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnel.

Maher said his answer is an

Maher said his answer is an “unequivocal yes” to the question of whether Joe Biden can do the job of president, but that he “can’t run from it”

According to Mediaite, despite age concerns like Maher, no Democrat has come up with an alternative option for President Biden

According to Mediaite, despite age concerns like Maher, no Democrat has come up with an alternative option for President Biden

In addition to naming Trump and Biden, he also ridiculed other political figures such as 81-year-old Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnel.

In addition to naming Trump and Biden, he also ridiculed other political figures such as 81-year-old Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnel.

“Mitch McConnell has served Satan well. But when he starts to buffer during this speech and it looks like his soul is leaving his body. It’s time. I’ve made it a theme of this show to protest ageism. The last acceptable prejudice in America.

‘I’ve tried to make the argument that judging by age is wrong because we all age so differently. Some people are old at 45 and others are spry at 90, so this should always be taken on a case-by-case basis. But the credibility of my argument against ageism rests on people’s honest call when it’s time to go. That’s what case by case means during an event last weekend. Biden called LL Cool J LLJ Cool J. Say what you want about Trump, but he remembers Kanye’s name,” Maher added.

President Biden’s age has been a hot topic since the day he took office in 2020, and now that he’s running for a second term in 2024, the topic is being used as an argument for his competence.

“But his age is nothing like Biden’s. Maybe it’s because Trump is insane. Maybe it’s because he’s always a ball of white hot rage. But for whatever reason he looks rugged, and Joe looks like his own skeletal remains. Well, if if (sic) this was 1860 when Joe first ran. This would not be a problem. You didn’t have to look good. And there was no ubiquitous media to pick up every little mistake.”

While talking about the televised debates that will take place as the 2024 election progresses, Maher shared his thoughts on Donald Trump.

“And I don’t think he’ll look good. Yes, Trump is old too, but Trump is like KISS. He applies paint in the wig to the face. And it still looks the same as it did in 1978.”

Maher went on to say that James Carville, an American political consultant, told him that “any centrist Democrat around 50 or 60 would get 55% of the vote,” which Maher then said he believed.

In contrast to his talk of old age, Maher recently targeted Ron DeSantis, 45, on his show as the governor insisted he could beat Donald Trump for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

Maher, who found that funny, then joked that the Florida governor wouldn’t be allowed to appear on his show again if his campaign did well.

He labeled DeSantis “crazy” to run for office at such a young age and questioned why he would run against the popular figure of former President Trump.

However, DeSantis insisted he could win, claiming he could be the person to “actually get the job done.”

“You’re trying to thread this needle, but it’s never going to happen. You cannot deny him, because that is the basis, and yet you run into him.

Regarding Biden's age, Maher said,

Regarding Biden’s age, Maher said, “You can be a national treasure and still be too old for the job.” When I’m on a plane and the pilot says, “This is your captain, Buzz Aldrin.” I’m getting out

Maher labeled DeSantis

Maher labeled DeSantis “crazy” for running for office at such a young age and questioned why he would run against the popular figure of former President Trump

“And that’s why, I mean, let’s face it, Ron, if the campaign went well, you wouldn’t be on this show,” Maher said.

The governor of Florida hit back, saying, “That’s not true. One: I don’t think he can win the election. I could win the election. Two, I don’t think he could actually do the job we need to do.”

According to MediaiteDespite concerns about age, as Maher has done, no Democrat has come up with an alternative option to President Biden.

CNN A recent poll found that “82% of Democrats concerned about his age could not name an alternative, and no candidate received more than 3 percent of those who did.”