Biden STARTS speech by saying he won’t answer questions, just days after disastrous evening press conference to reporters on special counsel investigation

President Joe Biden delivered a blistering speech on Tuesday, demanding that Republicans choose America and democracy over Russia and dictatorship when it came to voting on a bill that would give Ukraine $60 billion.

But first he had to make something clear.

“Before I begin, I’m going to make this statement … I’m going to let it stand on its own,” he told about 30 reporters standing behind the cameras in the White House dining room.

‘I’m not going to answer any questions, but I will tomorrow and the day after.

“I don’t want anything to get in the way of this statement… to be very blunt about it.”

Joe Biden brought the election campaign to the White House on Tuesday, calling former President Donald Trump “stupid” as he called for more aid to Ukraine

When his scripted speech ended, Biden closed his folder, turned to his left and left the state dining room without responding to questions from reporters.

When his scripted speech ended, Biden closed his folder, turned to his left and left the state dining room without responding to questions from reporters.

It was a signal of the importance Biden placed on the speech, essentially laying out how the nation was at a “turning point” as it approaches a general election that will likely pit Biden against his predecessor Donald Trump.

But it was also a reminder of how the president had gotten out of trouble five days earlier.

At the time, he vigorously defended himself and his mental condition, rejecting a report by Special Prosecutor Robert Hur that suggested his memory was failing.

Biden directed all his anger at the reporters in front of him, expressing his anger at Hur’s reported belief that he could not remember the date of his beloved son Beau’s death.

It was a powerful and impressive performance until it wasn’t anymore.

After apparently completing the question-and-answer portion of the apparition, he headed for the door before being tempted to return to answer another question about Israel.

All the headlines focused on what came next, the moment he referred to “the President of Mexico El-Sisi.” Abdel Fattah El-Sisi is de facto the president of Egypt.

A hastily organized press conference to hit back at what he said was a “gratuitous” report had backfired.

On Tuesday, he made sure that didn’t happen by ending his scripted comments, closing his folder and walking straight to the door.

Biden delivered a blistering attack on his predecessor Donald Trump for encouraging Russia to attack NATO allies as he urged Republicans to back a spending bill to help Ukraine

Biden delivered a blistering attack on his predecessor Donald Trump for encouraging Russia to attack NATO allies as he urged Republicans to back a spending bill to help Ukraine

It meant the headline could be questioned when he branded his predecessor Trump “stupid” and “shameful” for encouraging Russia to attack NATO allies.

And he urged Republicans to support a spending bill that would send $60 billion to Ukraine, saying opponents were “playing into Putin’s hands.”

“Are you going to stand with Ukraine or are you going to stay with Putin,” he said in an impassioned speech. “Or will you stay with America… or Trump?”

His speech came hours after the Senate passed a long-sought $95 billion military aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. It will certainly face stiff opposition in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives.

Biden used the issue to condemn Trump for undermining NATO’s core principle, when the former president said he would not want to protect his allies from a future attack by Russia if they did not meet their defense spending obligations fulfilled.

In fact, he told a rally crowd how he apparently told a fellow world leader that he would encourage Russia to “do whatever they want” to countries that fail to meet their targets.

Biden said Republicans had to decide which side they were on: Ukraine or Vladimir Putin's (pictured), America or Trump's.

Biden said Republicans had to decide which side they were on: Ukraine or Vladimir Putin’s (pictured), America or Trump’s.

Special counsel Robert Hur spent a year investigating files found in President Joe Biden's home and former office.  He said Biden's status as president meant he could not be prosecuted

Special counsel Robert Hur spent a year investigating files found in President Joe Biden’s home and former office. He said Biden’s status as president meant he could not be prosecuted

The result was unease among NATO members and anger among Biden.

“No other president in history has ever bowed to a Russian dictator,” he said.

‘Let me say this as clearly as possible. I will never. For God sake. It’s stupid. It’s shameful, it’s dangerous.’

Trump is the frontrunner to become the Republican nominee in this year’s elections. And Biden told his audience that the nation was at an “inflection point.”

“I can’t imagine another president running away,” he said. As long as I am president, the United States will defend every inch of NATO territory if Putin attacks a NATO ally.”

He said Trump’s comments were “unAmerican.” And he pointed out that the only time NATO has invoked Article 5 of its self-defense clause – an armed attack on one or more of its members will be considered an attack on all – was in the aftermath of the attacks on September 11 on the US

Biden also used the speech to tell the American public that the security law would create jobs at home.