Biden says ‘sorry’ after Jimmy Kimmel jokes that the cuddly toy version of his dog Commander bit off his child’s toe; talk host also called Trump ‘Nostra dumb-a**’

  • The presenter made a joke late at night at the commander’s expense during the fundraiser
  • The star-studded fundraiser raised $30 million

Late night talk host Jimmy Kimmel joked about President Joe Biden’s exiled dog Commander during their banter at a big-ticket fundraiser in LA on Saturday.

Kimmel, who conducted an on-stage interview with the president and former President Barack Obama, noted that Biden was “very kind” to send a letter after his son Billy underwent open-heart surgery.

He referred to β€œa card and a little teddy from the Commander for Billy, which he loves very much, and he thinks it’s very special. Unfortunately, little Commander bit Billy’s toe off,” Kimmel joked.

β€œI’m sorry,” Biden responded, days after newly released Secret Service documents revealed details of how the commander bit an agent while Biden was walking him on White House grounds.

TV host Jimmy Kimmel joked with President Joe Biden about his dog Commander, saying even a stuffed toy version of his dog took a bite at his son

“Now he needs more health care,” Kimmel continued, echoing former President Barack Obama in joking, “Luckily he’s covered.”

It was one of several times Kimmel snuck in a few digs at his subject’s expense, even as he lent his star power to the fundraiser, which shattered Democratic records and raked in $30 million.

As he rattled off Biden’s achievements, he threw in a curve ball. β€œAnd you pardoned six turkeys, one of which we know for sure was framed. Not bad for Sleepy Joy.’ That led to a “Hey!” from Obama.

Kimmel turned heads during the Trump administration when he tearfully revealed his son’s heart condition days after the child’s birth. β€œNo parent should ever have to decide whether they can afford to save their child’s life,” Kimmel said on air. ‘It just shouldn’t happen. Not here.’

Kimmel saved his biting humor for former President Donald Trump, at one point calling him “Nostra-dumba**.”

β€œIs this country suffering from what they call ‘Trump amnesia’? I mean, why do so many Americans seem to remember the Trump administration the same way we do a colonoscopy? Like, we know what happened (inaudible),” he said, according to a White House transcript released early Monday.

Biden did not dispute the colonoscopy comparison, but quickly brought up Trump’s comments about injecting bleach early in the coronavirus pandemic.

β€œThat worked for me, by the way,” Kimmel said.

That prompted a dig from Biden. ‘It worked for him, by the way. It colored his hair,” he joked, drawing a lot of laughter.

Former President Barack Obama joked with Kimmel about toilet paper shortages during the pandemic

Former President Barack Obama joked with Kimmel about toilet paper shortages during the pandemic

The jokes came during an event that drew attention after Biden stood motionless for several seconds as he received applause before Obama pulled his arm and led him off stage.

Kimmel also poked fun at himself, saying, “The only thing you really need to remember about the Trump years is that we ran out of toilet paper.”

‘For example, he promised that he would make America great again. And before you know it, we’re wiping ourselves with envelopes.” Obama asked Kimmel if he “took it that way.”

‘It was heavy. Manila too,” he joked.