Biden campaign hits back over Joe’s ‘freezing’ videos with montage of Trump ‘getting confused, lost, wandering off, and waving to nobody’

President Joe Biden’s campaign tried to play pot and kettle on Thursday by highlighting some of former President Donald Trump’s more awkward moments.

The @BidenHQ X account shared an almost 2.5-minute video to counterbalance a trio of ‘cheap fake’ videos in which the 81-year-old Biden appears to ‘freeze’ or stray from world leaders.

At recent campaign stops, Trump, 78, has had a great day with these viral videos, criticizing Biden for “not knowing where he is.”

“Here’s a montage of Donald Trump getting confused, lost, wandering off and waving to no one,” the Biden campaign countered.

The clips show Trump leaving events during his presidency before he should, or standing awkwardly in place when he should be leaving.

President Joe Biden’s campaign on Thursday shared a video of former President Donald Trump “becoming confused” after a trio of viral videos showed Biden “freezing” and wandering off

In another clip, former President Donald Trump (right) leaves a Whtie House event before he should, followed by then-Vice President Mike Pence (left)

Argentina’s president stands awkwardly after Trump wanders off‘ read one headline after a mix-up at the 2018 G20.

Another video clip shows Trump getting off Air Force One and ignoring the so-called Beast, the presidential limousine, standing right in front of him.

He walks away from the car – probably looking for Marine One, the presidential helicopter – but is led to the large black vehicle by an aide.

In other videos, Trump appears to wave at people who are not there.

The 2024 race has long been a tussle over blunders and stumbles, as Biden is the nation’s oldest president and Trump will be the oldest person ever sworn in if he wins a second, non-consecutive term in November.

Polls this cycle have shown that Americans are more concerned about Biden’s age than Trump’s — something the Biden campaign hopes to remedy by showing that Trump is also plagued by senior moments.

The two will hold their first general election debate next week.

Former President Donald Trump (left) is seen in this clip without a handshake from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (right)

This month, Biden appeared to stray during a parachute demonstration while in France to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

When the shot is from a wider angle, it is clear that Biden was talking to paratroopers who have just landed, but Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni leads him to the group of world leaders for a photo, causing him to look the wrong way.

A Juneteenth video of Biden also went viral — in which he laughs and stands still as other members of the audience on the South Lawn of the White House bounce and sway to the music.

And at Saturday’s star-studded fundraiser in Los Angeles, Biden appeared to linger too long on stage and was led away by former President Barack Obama.

During his rally Tuesday in Racine, Wisconsin, Trump claimed that Obama should lead Biden “off the stage like he was a child.”

During his big birthday bash in Palm Beach, Florida, the presumptive Republican nominee mocked the parachute video on Friday.

“The only good thing was he landed with a parachute, everyone is looking and he turns the other way,” Trump said. ‘Italy’s new leader has done a great job. She said, ‘turn around, fool.’

But as Trump has made these attacks, he has also messed up: He called “cheap knockoffs” “clean knockoffs” at his rally in Racine, and messed up Rep. Ronny Jackson’s name during an appearance Saturday in Detroit.

‘I took a cognitive test. And I asked him: Doc Ronnie, Doc Ronnie Johnson. Does everyone know Congressman Ronnie Johnson from Texas, he was the White House doctor?’ Trump asked.

He had correctly identified Jackson the day before in Florida, when he also bragged about taking the cognitive exam.

“I accepted it,” Trump said with a grin.

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