Beulah: This modest home houses one of Australia's most viewed properties of 2023… but trust us, you DO NOT want to own it



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Graffiti of a 'dick pic', a pentagram and piles of rubbish took a dilapidated rural house to one of the most viewed property listings in Australia.

Viewed by more than 29,000 people in 2023, the five-bedroom house and bungalow at 70 Henty Highway in Beulah, a rural town in western Victoria, was given a shocking makeover.

Images of the property show the modest home littered with discarded items from previous tenants, the bathtub ripped out of the ground and a brick wall torn apart.

The most unusual image, however, comes from the living room, where one wall features a graffiti-painted penis and homophobic comments under a pentagram.

Despite potential buyers being warned to 'watch more than a few episodes of The Block before tackling this one', the property sold for just $55,000, making it one of Australia's cheapest homes.

A modest property in rural Victoria (pictured) was one of the state's most viewed listings in 2023 after buyers were shocked by the home's filthy state and low price

The house was described as 'what you see is what you get' as a successful buyer would have to remove all rubbish left behind.

In the kitchen, there were mountains of dirty dishes in the sink and on the counter, while old groceries were scattered across the floor.

The buyer would also have to deal with sections of severely damaged roof and a hole in the bathroom wall where the drain pipe had been removed.

“Yes there have been white ants and no we have had no quotes to have it cleaned up and I have no idea what it will rent once it is renovated,” said the property ad from John Hadley, director of North West Real Estate . , is reading.

White ants eat and form nests in rotting wood, an infestation of which would disintegrate the wooden support of a house.

“This project is for the serious renovators and once you fill a large number of dumpsters to get it back to a blank canvas, you can see what you're dealing with,” the listing reads.

An image from the property ad shows a graffiti-painted penis and a homophobic slur under a pentagram decorated with feathers in the living room (pictured)

In the bathroom, the bathtub had also been ripped out of the ground and there was a hole in the wall where the drain pipe used to be (pictured), but the property sold in June for just $55,000

Although the numerous problems were exposed to potential buyers, the property also had some positives to hold on to.

“The water is connected, the power is connected, but not now and Beulah is on the septic system,” the listing reads.

“The bungalow is probably the best place to start before you start on the house.”

The home was among the most popular Victorian property listings of 2023, alongside modern apartments in Melbourne's CBD and a holiday home in Ocean Grove, west of Port Lonsdale.

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